The PSP can now be had for only $99 . But that doesn't mean you can't find great PlayStation Vita deals.
To celebrate the launch of the PlayStation Plus subscription for Sony's new handheld, they're releasing a new Vita bundle next week.
Plus brings the Instant Game Collection and all the benefits of membership (early access to betas and demos, discounts, cloud storage, etc.), and this package also boasts a voucher for Unit 13 , a 4GB Memory Card, and of course, a 3G/Wi-Fi Vita system. The included Plus subscription is for the standard one-year term. The price? Only $299.99, which represents a big $100 savings.
So far, the Instant Game Collection features six Vita titles, including Uncharted: Golden Abyss , Gravity Rush , and WipEout 2048 , and more are coming your way soon. If you have a PS3, you'll also automatically unlock no less than a dozen hit games, with names like inFamous 2 , LittleBigPlanet 2 , and Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One . These come to you at no additional charge. If you're already a Plus member, this bundle still works for you, as the 1-year subscription is added on top of your current subscription.