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Are The Devs Working To Make The Order: 1886 Less Generic?

They said The Order: 1886 needed more time.

But how will developer Ready at Dawn utilize that time? Did the backlash concerning the game's supposed "generic" look have anything to do with the delay?

Me, I don't get the freak-out to begin with. It's a third-person shooter; there are plenty of third-person shooters out there that don't get hit with the "generic" label, and this includes the esteemed Uncharted franchise. Everything else about The Order seems ultra-promising, as the setting and story could be defining characteristics. I'm looking forward to a compelling narrative, a Bioshock -like atmosphere, and an entertaining third-person gameplay system.

That, however, isn't enough for a lot of people. So, I'm just wondering if the designers are secretly working to introduce various gameplay elements that will stand out. Maybe they took all that "generic" nonsense to heart and now they're trying to fix it. Granted, I'm a big fan of ambition and innovation, so if this is true, more power to them. It just annoys me that such a promising game can receive such a tremendous amount of flak based on a few minutes of very early gameplay footage.

Related Game(s): The Order: 1886

E3 Gameplay Footage For The Order Is All Sorts Of Tasty

Say what you want about it being "just another third-person shooter."

Not every game has to be innovative, and not every game has to break a certain mold. Based on what we've seen of The Order: 1886 thus far, there's really no reason to believe it won't be a great game.

Here's a look at some new gameplay footage shown at E3, and it highlights the third-person combat and a few of the story-related segments. The game appears to move fluidly and the animations are crisp. Don't forget that the narrative has a lot of potential, too, as the setting, atmosphere and characters could all be immensely intriguing. If everything goes well, this could end up being the Uncharted for a new generation. No joke.

Check it out:

Thanks, Zak!