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The Division Trailer Highlights Importance Of Skills And Mods

If you participated in the very popular closed beta last week, you've already gotten a peek at the skills.

But if you remain unfamiliar with the hotly anticipated tactical multiplayer game Tom Clancy's The Division , Ubisoft has released a new trailer that highlights Skills and Mods.

Of course, you'll have to successfully customize your character if you wish to survive post-pandemic New York City, so you must make good use of the three types of skills. They are Medical, Technology and Security; one ability from the Medical category is called Pulse, which lets you see enemies through walls and other obstacles. Then there's the Technology skill Sticky Bomb (oh, we gamers know what that is) and the Security skills like the Ballistic Shield. The latter abilities generally focus on defense, as you might expect.

All skills can be modified and upgraded, which will give you even more options. The key will be working with your teammates to maximize the effectiveness of your combined abilities; i.e, the very definition of "teamwork." Overall, we'll be able to experiment with 12 skills and 36 mods.

After the success of the closed beta, we got wind of a possible open beta that will kick off later this month. If you missed the closed beta, you'll definitely want to dive into the open test! We've also got the developer's DLC plans for the future (which includes both paid and free content), and we learned that the narrative will be presented via "three threads" that are all linked together.

Tom Clancy's The Division officially launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on March 8.