Even though Sony is doing a crappy job of promoting it, at least most of our readers are still intrigued.
According to the results of our latest poll, the majority of participants planned to pick up Until Dawn this past week.
It has received more than a few glowing reviews and its blend of adventure and horror elements results in an intoxicating experience. We say it's well worth your time, and add that Supermassive's quality product isn't correctly marketed , as far as we're concerned. It's just not fair to pigeonhole the game without acknowledging its very ambitious nature.
This week, we're not going to ask if you plan on picking up Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain because we already know the answer. 😉 Rather, we're interested to know if you think it'll be the ultimate Game of the Year when the dust has settled. Konami seems awfully confident that it's the best product of 2015, but are you willing to make that prediction without playing it? Or are you banking on another title? Let us know.
Related Game(s): Until Dawn