It's easily one of the most anticipated games of 2016, and a very big deal for PlayStation 4 owners 'cuz it's only available on PS4 and PC.
But how has Street Fighter V fared with the critics thus far?
Well, according to 34 counted reviews at Metacritic , the current average is 83, with scores ranging from the low-to-mid 9s to more modest scores. At the top end of the spectrum is COGConnected's review , which awards Capcom's latest fighter a very high 95 score; at the bottom end is a disappointed critic from WeGotThisCovered , who only handed out a 5.
For the most part, though, we're seeing reviews fall into the 8 range, which is good…depending on your expectations. There were many who were thinking SFV would be the definitive fighter of 2016 – and perhaps of the entire generation to date – and 8s don't scream "instant classic." On the flip side, let's not forget that all insanely hyped games run the risk of getting lower-than-expected scores, simply due to heightened expectations. The other possibility is that the lack of an immediately available in-game store is affecting scores, too. What do you think?
Street Fighter V launches today and we've seen and heard a lot about this one in 2016. With a bad-ass full-length CG trailer , more than a few character overviews , and promising Story Mode details , the anticipation really was through the roof.
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