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Will Sony Exclusives Continue To Reign On The PS4?

Some will say they don't sell as well as they should. Others say they're crucial for driving hardware sales.

But there's little doubt that PlayStation 3 exclusives have often been a cut above this generation, and the competition has to respect that. So the question is, will Sony continue their first-party dominance in the new generation, or will Microsoft step up and start focusing on more exclusives, too?

For the record, I'm well aware of the exclusives on Nintendo's side; it's essentially all they've got, as far as I'm concerned. But that's still plenty, obviously. This is more about Sony vs. Microsoft and the ongoing exclusive debate, which I believe studios like Naughty Dog, Kojima Productions, Sucker Punch, Polyphony Digital, Media Molecule, and Guerrilla Games essentially ended over the past few years. Microsoft has to recognize that certain first-party developers on Sony's side have displayed cutting-edge technology on a level the 360 hasn't really seen.

It's a great way to show off a system's capabilities, isn't it? So wouldn't Microsoft want more of this, especially when a new machine comes rolling around? You can toss out another Gears , Halo and Forza but I think they need more of the new IPs that helped showcase the PS3's skills; i.e., Uncharted , Heavy Rain , LittleBigPlanet , etc. Now, if MS doesn't really step up and Sony still has all that amazing first-party talent, I think the PS4 might still have the same advantage over the competition.

If the PS4 isn't too far off, Sony could come with a huge array of hard-hitting exclusives, like Uncharted 4 , Killzone 4 , Gran Turismo 6 , inFamous 3 , and Metal Gear Solid 5 (if the latter is indeed exclusive at all). Add those to whatever new IPs the teams are working on for the upcoming generation, and I'd say Sony is fairly well positioned.

4 Possible Exclusives For The Launch Of PlayStation 4

The importance of a solid launch lineup for a new piece of hardware can't be understated.

For the sake of argument, let's accept the predictions of most analysts, who say the PlayStation 4 will launch between 2013 and 2014. Considering the time gap, let's see what Sony exclusives might be ready for that time frame; the PS4 will undoubtedly need a few big hitters right out of the gate.

Gran Turismo 6

If we take Kazunori Yamauchi's reputation for being a perfectionist and the sheer amount of time involved to create a franchise entry, it's not a stretch to assume GT6 won't be ready for a few years. It'd be an especially alluring title for the PS4 launch because it's almost guaranteed to haul down high review scores and big sales numbers. This is one of the most popular franchises in history, remember.

Uncharted 4

Hardware launches are typically found around the holidays; Sony will likely want to release new Uncharted titles in that same window, and we're talking about the most critically acclaimed series of the generation. Sony well understands the importance of what has become a flagship and suddenly iconic franchise; to have a new installment ready for the new PlayStation would be epic. Naughty Dog and the PS4 would make for a lovely couple.

Killzone 4

Guerrilla may be working on a new mystery project but they will invariably make a fourth Killzone , and it should fall into the 2013/2014 time frame. The PlayStation 3 launched with an original exclusive IP in Resistance: Fall of Man , and this generation has proven the necessity of big shooters. Plus, KZ3 was a massive technical achievement; can you imagine what Guerrilla could do with the PS4…?

Metal Gear Solid 5

Good God. Just think… These projects take time and like Yamauchi, Hideo Kojima is a perfectionist and won't be happy with anything less than a near-flawless production. Along with Gran Turismo , this is one of PlayStation's original exclusive masterpieces. To have a fifth entry available when the PS4 hits store shelves would make for an explosion of interest. Long-time Sony fans and new gamers alike would be impressed.