The whole music explosion in video games may be over (you can't give away those plastic instruments these days) but when one reflects, the numbers are pretty darn impressive.
During a PAX East presentation, Harmonix revealed that a whopping 130 million+ Rock Band songs have been downloaded to date.
This news comes just after it was announced that the Rock Band weekly song releases will come to an end as of April 2. The last song on the list will be the legendary "American Pie" by Don McLean and that will bring the downloadable content library to a grand total of 4,254 songs from 1,657 bands. Harmonix also showed off a proof-of-concept video for Rock Band: Led Zeppelin , plus screens and new images for entries based on Pink Floyd and Pearl Jam. Those should be great for the classic rock aficionados.
Personally, I never got into the whole plastic instrument craze but for some reason, I can still enjoy games like Amplitude and Rock Band Blitz . I dunno…I just prefer the regular controller for some strange reason.