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Harmonix Forced To Completely Wipe Rock Band 4 Leaderboards

Cheaters. They just ruin it for everyone.

Developer Harmonix has had to make a tough decision concerning a major score exploit found in Rock Band 4 , and those who play fair and square won't be happy to hear it.

As the team announced in this blog post , they will be erasing the game's leaderboards in January. This is due to too many people taking advantage of that exploit, but once the reset happens you won't have to worry about cheaters knocking you from your rightfully earned position:

"We know that many of you have worked hard to climb the leaderboards, and that wiping your scores sucks. That said, these changes will ensure that in the future, you won't be unseated from the top spot by someone using an exploit. And if we do discover an issue down the road, we can address it much more quickly and easily."

Harmonix did clarify that they're only wiping scores posted to the game's online leaderboards. Your personal stats saved locally to your console won't be affected, so that's something. The impending update will fix the game's code and let the developers address song-specific bugs in the future. This means they should never have to erase the entire leaderboard again.

It was recently revealed that music fans can now import all 83 songs from the Rock Band 3 library. For a small fee, of course.

Related Game(s): Rock Band 4