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Insomniac Can’t “Resist” Teasing A Big Announcement

Insomniac has switched back and forth between their stellar Resistance and Ratchet & Clank franchises this generation…but we're a little overdue for a Resistance 3 announcement after last year's Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time .

Most have assumed the third iteration in the developer's critically acclaimed FPS series is in the works, but it didn't receive an unveiling at E3, as many had hoped. The lack of news prompted many to think Insomniac, in their recent move to include a big multiplatform project, might've shelved the Resistance name in the face of stiff competition like Guerrilla's Killzone and Bungie's Halo . But Insomniac is teasing a big announcement that may occur at GamesCom, which is only a few weeks away, and their announcement of an announcement might – depending on if you feel like reading between the lines – indicate the impending unveiling of Resistance 3 . This bit comes from their recent newsletter to followers:

"…yes, we realize we're announcing an announcement, and that we announced this newsletter announcement via a Twitter/Facebook announcement earlier this week. We feel a little bad about announcing the announcement of an announcement – but on the other hand, you're excited and so are we.

With that, we're happy to reveal that we'll be announcing our newest game sometime between now and the Penny-Arcade Expo over Labour Day weekend. We're really excited to finally reveal this project, and we couldn't resist being the first to share the news with you. Even bigger news is that newsletter subscribers will be the first folks to see the trailer: the instant we announce the game – we'll be blasting a newsletter with the trailer for you to view at home."

They couldn't "resist." …that probably means nothing, but who knows? Anyway, the time frame they indicate here would include GamesCom, which runs between August 19 and August 22, so we'll have to pay close attention to that event. And by the way, we love Resistance at PSXE; the sequel remains one of the most under-appreciated FPSs of the generation, in our estimation.