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Dontnod Says They’re Ready To Tackle Remember Me 2

Remember Me was one of those games that boasted an excellent concept but simply fell short from a mechanical perspective.

Would you like to see developer Dontnod Entertainment try again?

Well, creative director Jean-Maxime Morris just told Siliconera that in fact, the team has already written the story for a sequel:

"We know what we would do for Remember Me 2. The main story has been written. We know what we would add to the recipe. We know what we would fix. It's a game that's ready to be made, but that decision is Capcom's to make."

The original game received very mixed reviews and Dontnod later said the ambitious title was "misunderstood." Well, it's up to Capcom now: Should they green-light a sequel? And if so, what precisely do you want the designers to fix?

I say they really need to focus on the gameplay this time around; the platforming and combat just didn't live up to expectations in my book.

Related Game(s): Remember Me

Capcom Has Long-Term Franchise Plans For Remember Me

You may not have heard of French-based developer Dontnod Entertainment, but Capcom wants to continue working with them for quite some time.

Dontnod is currently working on a brand new IP, Remember Me , which features the acrobatic skills and mind-hacking abilities of Nilin, who has also been the recent victim of memory erasing in a futuristic Paris. And in speaking to Joystiq , Capcom senior producer Mat Hart said this is only the beginning.

" We're looking to build a long-lasting relationship with them [Dontnod] as a developer, and built this into a major franchise. "

Interestingly, Hart may have hinted at the release window for the next round of consoles as well. When asked if May 2013 was prudent considering the packed launch schedule for the first half of next year, he replied:

"The thing is, if you leave it too late into next year, then you are starting to straddle that line where you're starting to move into the next generation consoles. And what we wanna do is make sure we launch this on the current generation of consoles, to really sell it in, and establish it as a new IP. And then build the franchise out in line with the new consoles coming out."

New IPs are always tough to introduce into a market that thrives on sequels and established names, but the only way to get new franchises is to start fresh every now and then, right? And if that new effort is something that resonates with critics and gamers alike, chances are, you'll see another effort. Finished Hart:

"You've seen the footage we've released of the game, and it's easy to see that Remember Me has the hallmark qualities of a top tier title. So we're very confident it competes in that particular landscape."

The game does look awfully promising. For now, we'll just leave it at that.

Related Game(s): Remember Me