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Ratchet & Clank Remake The Fastest-Selling Entry Ever

We know the Ratchet & Clank remake on PlayStation 4 topped the UK charts and now, more good news on the sales front.

In a post hyping the new animated movie over at the PlayStation Blog , developer Insomniac announced that the remake has become the fastest-selling entry in the long-running series.

A remake of the original PS2 classic and very well-received by critics and gamers alike, it's no surprise to see the triumphant return of this dynamic duo doing so well. Insomniac didn't give us any hard numbers but it's still a hefty accomplishment. Don't forget there were quite a few R&C installments over the years and frankly, this remake is easily one of the best (if not the best).

We loved the game and it definitely ranks as one of the best experiences of the new generation. Yes, even though it's "just a remake." As for the movie, here's a teaser announcement trailer: