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Sony Celebrates Outbreak Day Early With TLoU Statue, Sales

Sales are good. The Last Of Us is even better.

As announced over at the PlayStation Blog , Outbreak Day is almost upon us and Sony can't wait to celebrate. No, really, they can't wait.

And because they can't wait, they're revealing a new Clicker Statue, now available to pre-order at GamingHeads ; you can get either the regular edition or the exclusive edition that comes with a gas mask. Additionally, they've discounted "select The Last Of Us content" on the PlayStation Store; the deals will run between now and October 7 in "various regions" and you'll save 40-50 percent!

This includes content for both the original TLoU on PS3 and the Remastered version on PS4 . As usual, PlayStation Plus subscribers will save even more. Lastly, they've got a new theme ready for Outbreak Day; it's only a buck ($0.99) for a limited time so grab it ASAP.

“Golden Week” On PSN: Great Discounts On Japanese Titles

It's time to celebrate all things Japanese!

Thanks to the week-long holiday in the Land of the Rising Sun, Sony has announced a Golden Week sale on the PlayStation Store – yes, the US Store – that features discounts on a ton of great Japanese games.

There's a variety of titles for the PS3, Vita and PSP, and you definitely don't want to miss out. Over 20 games feature new price tags, and many of those price tags are 50 percent lower than the standard retail cost! PlayStation Plus peeps get another discount on top of that, so you can grab classics like Chrono Cross for only $3.49, the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for $11.99 on PS3, and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles for the PS3 for a measly $9.99.

You can check out the full list of discounted titles and take your pick. Don't forget that Plus members can now grab Velocity Ultra for the Vita for free.

PSN Halloween Sale Includes A Ton Of Games, Movies, TV

It's almost time to play dress-up again and in celebration, Sony is holding a special Halloween PSN sale that includes games, movies and TV shows.

There will be discounts galore, as revealed over at the PlayStation Blog . You can grab some of the best horror and zombie-themed titles for up to 65% off and remember that PlayStation Plus subscribers always get a little extra, so they could save up to 80%!

This promotion will actually run through a couple weeks, and until October 29, you can still take advantage of the deal that gives you $10 for every $50 you spend using your SEN wallet. First there's Zombie Week (10/22 – 10/28), then there's Horror Week (10/29 – 11/4), and all sorts of scary games, films and TV shows are being discounted. This fittingly includes games in The Walking Dead , Dead Island and Dead Space franchises, as well as freaky titles like Puppeteer , Fatal Frame , I Am Alive , The Darkness II and even the Bioshock s.

Might want to save some bucks before the next generation shows up and steals all your cash away…