Hey, who remembers the Virtual Boy? Reading this news, that immediately popped into my head…sorry.
Anyway, various reports are indicating that Sony will introduce a Virtual Reality headset specifically designed for the PlayStation 4. According to Eurogamer , the hardware will be similar to the Oculus Rift headset (currently, there is no consumer version of the latter).
It's rumored that a VR version of the PS4 launch title DriveClub is in the "internal prototype stage," which means we might be able to race our friends in a truly virtual world. A report from CVG tells us that the PS4 VR headset will be announced at the Tokyo Game Show later this month. Eurogamer seems to believe it won't happen until next year; both sources say Sony had planned to unveil it at Gamescom, but that didn't happen for some reason. Maybe they just weren't ready.
Sony already has a VR headset, if you're wondering. It's not for the PS4, but it's the HMZ-T2 and it's available in Europe and Canada for £999; it can be used with 3D games and movies and features a pair of 720p OLED screens and a 5.1 surround sound system. I have a feeling something like this would give me a raging headache, but it could be a very cool option for new PS4 owners. I mean, provided they were willing to pony up the required dough. It'll probably be very, very expensive.