It's less than two weeks before the PlayStation 4 hits store shelves, and the promotion should be kicking into high gear.
Here's a new features trailer that highlights the system's capabilities, most of which the avid gamer already knows. It also shows off the console itself; it's a slick black box but personally, I want color options.
With the optical Blu-Ray/DVD drive, 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, a powerful processor, HDMI output, 500GB hard drive, and the slogan, "Greatness Awaits," the PS4 is primed and ready to storm the marketplace. If you have yours pre-ordered, you should be able to have it on November 15 in North America; many of the games will actually be available before then. Killzone: Shadow Fall can be purchased now, for example, and we've heard that Knack will be ready tomorrow.
So, are you ready for the next generation?