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What Is The Very First Game You Will Play On Your PlayStation 4?

Call me weird, but I always think a game must deserve the honor of being the very first title placed in a brand new console.

For the PlayStation, it was Twisted Metal 2 . I didn't have the system on launch day and some may consider TM2 a weird choice, but those who accurately remember the epic bad-assery that was TM2, they won't even blink an eye.

For the PS2, it was Summoner . Having come off the best RPG generation ever, I was all about the role-playing games at that time. However, I admit I played Tekken Tag Tournament and Unreal Tournament working at EB before I played any games on my own personal PS2. I didn't touch my PS2 until launch day was over, and I could finally go home and relax. I put aside an entire afternoon just to play Summoner and it was a damn good game, I say.

For the PS3, it was Resistance: Fall of Man . And I mean, really, in looking at that launch lineup, should it have been anything else? For the PS4, I'm pretty sure it's going to be Killzone: Shadow Fall , and not because I'm suddenly a gigantic fan of shooters. I like them just fine; it's not that. It's just that I think the first game should be exclusive to that platform, and it should be the IP that best shows off the machine's capability. I want a hint of how far a new console can go, you know? And I think I'll see a glimpse of that with Shadow Fall , although I also have a strong urge to play Knack right out of the gate. It just looks so appealing…

How about you?

How Important Is A New System’s Launch Lineup To You?

Obviously, a strong launch lineup is important for any new video game system.

But if you ask gamers about the reasons they bought a console, the initial titles is only one of many reasons. The question is, how much stock do you put into the launch games for a brand new machine?

There are some veteran collectors – mostly from the old school – who simply must have any new console that's released, so the launch lineup is almost irrelevant. Then you've got those who are looking to the future; they've done a lot of research and they're lying in wait for the games they really want. Others aren't even pinpointing specific titles; they're just weighing the system itself. In other words, they're evaluating its power, capability, reliability, price, etc.

In the PlayStation world, you will find a great many fans who bought a PS platform based on the promise of something huge. For instance, how many do you think bought the PS3 because of Final Fantasy XIII ? Little did they know the game would eventually go multiplatform. Also, remember how huge Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec was? It was arguably the first true-blue system-seller for the PS2. And that's the key: Will there be any system-selling titles for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One when they debut later this year? I suppose you could mention Killzone: Shadow Fall for the PS4 and Forza 5 for the Xbox One…but is that enough?

Personally, I do put a lot of stock in a launch lineup. But I also look to the future; I expect certain things, and that's part of the reason I pick up a new console. How about you?

inFamous: Second Son, DriveClub On Display For The PS4

A few surprises have showed up during tonight's PlayStation Meeting. All right, so they're not total shocks, but the titles of the games in question might raise an eyebrow or two.

Sony is still announcing new games for their freshly revealed PlayStation 4. In addition to Killzone: Shadow Fall , two more have arrived: inFamous: Second Son by developer Sucker Punch and DriveClub from Evolution Studios.

We always thought the former team was working on inFamous 3 but we never really dreamed it'd be a PS4 exclusive rather than a PS3 title. The presentation they showed was pretty damn fantastic, by the way. As for Evolution, they've done well with the MotorStorm series this past generation, but their new project is all sorts of revolutionary. It's a first-person driving game where we'll visit exotic locations and let players compete in clubs, asynchronously and in real-time.

And the games just keep coming. Media Molecule's project is on stage right now… Yep, it looks excellent.

Related Game(s): inFamous: Second Son , Driveclub

Sony To Announce Three Games When PS4 Is Revealed This Week?

You can't have a great video game console without the games. It could be powerful enough to fly us all to Mars; without the software, it doesn't interest anyone.

So perhaps the most important aspect of the rumored PlayStation 4 announcement set for this week is the possibility of seeing some launch titles. And according to 30PlusGamer , there's a chance we'll see three titles…and they're all plenty recognizable.

The first is Killzone 4 , which we've heard rumored before. In fact, another source had previously stated that the fourth iteration in the critically acclaimed franchise was in development at developer Guerrilla Games and would debut on the PS4 . The second is a project from Media Molecule, which may or may not be a new LittleBigPlanet . We do know the team is working on an unannounced project right now but it's still a mystery. Lastly, there could be a new MotorStorm , which may have been teased by Evolution Studios this past week. And we're overdue for a new series entry.

Sounds great. Now, how's about some Uncharted 4 ?

What Would Be Your Most Anticipated PS4 Launch Title?

So if Sony really does announce the PS4 in March, along with the inevitable hardware discussions, we'll start hearing about possible launch titles.

In this respect, I think we should be optimistic. Sony delayed the launch of the PlayStation Vita so they could end up with the biggest brand launch ever; it was a great idea, too, because there were a good 25 games on the shelf when the Vita debuted. The fact that there doesn't appear to be any Vita games on the immediate horizon is neither here nor there (at least not as it pertains to this topic).

The point is that Sony seems to understand the importance of having games for the launch of a new piece of gaming hardware, although it's certainly true that consoles these days are basically just PCs for the living room. So understanding this, it seems likely that Sony will have maybe one or two AAA titles ready to go for the PS4…if so, which one(s) do you want to see? Personally, I'm going to go with Uncharted 4 because in my estimation, that series has been head and shoulders above all other games this generation, and what Naughty Dog could do with the PS4 boggles my mind. I mean, it literally gives me chills.

But there are other possibilities. Gran Turismo 6 has a shot, Killzone 4 might be there, and hey, where's the next inFamous ? How come we haven't heard anything about inFamous 3 ? Is it because Sucker Punch has been secretly working on a sequel for the next PlayStation machine? Any other ideas? What's the one game that would make you go, "Oh yeah, I'm buying the PS4 immediately "? Price notwithstanding, of course.