Call me weird, but I always think a game must deserve the honor of being the very first title placed in a brand new console.
For the PlayStation, it was Twisted Metal 2 . I didn't have the system on launch day and some may consider TM2 a weird choice, but those who accurately remember the epic bad-assery that was TM2, they won't even blink an eye.
For the PS2, it was Summoner . Having come off the best RPG generation ever, I was all about the role-playing games at that time. However, I admit I played Tekken Tag Tournament and Unreal Tournament working at EB before I played any games on my own personal PS2. I didn't touch my PS2 until launch day was over, and I could finally go home and relax. I put aside an entire afternoon just to play Summoner and it was a damn good game, I say.
For the PS3, it was Resistance: Fall of Man . And I mean, really, in looking at that launch lineup, should it have been anything else? For the PS4, I'm pretty sure it's going to be Killzone: Shadow Fall , and not because I'm suddenly a gigantic fan of shooters. I like them just fine; it's not that. It's just that I think the first game should be exclusive to that platform, and it should be the IP that best shows off the machine's capability. I want a hint of how far a new console can go, you know? And I think I'll see a glimpse of that with Shadow Fall , although I also have a strong urge to play Knack right out of the gate. It just looks so appealing…
How about you?