This is precisely the sort of bundle one would expect to see from Sony this holiday season.
According to MCV , a PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita "Ultimate" bundle will be released in December before Christmas. MCV is a UK-based site, though, so there's no knowing if gamers in the US will have access to this uber-enticing package.
There was mention of a price for this bundle, but we know the PS4 goes for $399 while the Vita comes in at $199, so perhaps $500 would be a great price point. Furthermore, it's clear that Sony isn't giving up on their portable just yet, as they plan to run a £2.5 million TV campaign in the UK called "The Best Way to Play." The ad will boast the Vita's Remote Play capabilities and Media Molecule's recently released and well-received Tearaway .
A PS4/Vita bundle could really help spur Vita sales for the future, as it might generate more good word-of-mouth for the handheld. And it really should be available in all major territories.