A fitting punishment perhaps?
Last month, a new PlayStation 3 hack came into existence and this has prompted Sony to make an official statement pertaining to the use of "unauthorized software."
It's simple, really- If you're caught using software that violates the Terms of Service that you signed, your access to the PlayStation Network will be "terminated permanently." So that means any services provided by the PSN and the SEN (Sony Entertainment Network) will disappear if they catch you running software you shouldn't be running. If you've already messed up, Sony says you must "cease using and delete all unauthorized or pirated software" from your PS3 system. Obviously, the idea is to be "safe and fair," and they're not interested in allowing various hacking nonsense.
For the life of me, I just can't understand why people have to fiddle. Just freakin' play the games and go on about your business. I have never understood how hacking can be considered "cool."