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PS Now Most-Played 2015 Titles Revealed

Are you a PlayStation Now subscriber yet? Maybe now's the time to join.

Sony has announced the most popular Now games from 2015, and they've added even more titles to the streaming service, which brings the overall library total to over 300.

The most popular PS Now games, which Sony claims were played for "literally millions of hours," are as follows:

That list isn't too surprising, right? Additionally, 7 new Deep Silver games were added to Now:

These new offerings, combined with the 40 new games added in January , means there are now well over 300 games to try on PlayStation Now. Furthermore, Sony has delivered a brand new feature called "My List," which lets you select games from the library to play at a later date.

An all-you-can-play Now subscription goes for $20/month and gives you access to great titles you can play on all PlayStation platforms as well as PlayStation TV and certain Sony TVs.

PlayStation Now Adds 105 Titles, Brings Total To Over 250

Maybe you didn't sign up for PlayStation Now before simply because there weren't a lot of available games.

But times are changing. As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , a whopping 105 new titles have been added to the Now library, which brings the total to over 250!

This is by far the single biggest release of Now titles to date and it includes fantastic classics from some of the industry's leading franchises. Capcom is responsible for 21 of the new additions, including entries from the legendary Resident Evil , Street Fighter , Mega Man and Bionic Commando IPs. But there are so many more! If you can't find at least ten – or perhaps twenty or thirty – games on the rapidly expanding list that you don't want to play, you're no gamer. Right?

If you're intrigued, you can start your 7-day free trial . It might be well worth it for some consumers.