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Sony: Over 1,000 Self-Publishers For PlayStation Platforms

Just a few days ago, Sony released a master list of over 100 PlayStation 4 titles that are currently scheduled to launch in 2014.

That's not the only good news to pop up on the company's official blog : Did you know that there are over 1,000 developers licensed globally to self-publish on PlayStation platforms?

200 of those developers were licensed in North America since the new console was originally revealed in February 2013. Self-publishing lets smaller development teams put their creations on the PlayStation Store, and as PlayStation Vice President of Developer and Publisher Relations Adam Boyes notes, that's how great little titles like Don't Starve and Outlast got into your hands. And don't forget about The Witness , N++ and Rogue Legacy .

For years, we've been hearing how indie designers are often very happy with Sony's business practices concerning the PlayStation brand. It's great to have new blood constantly pumping into the PSN!