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Sony: Shooter Audience Shifting More Toward PlayStation 4

There was a time when PlayStation was at the bottom of the platform ladder when it came to first-person shooters.

But things have changed over the years and now, Sony believes that their brand might actually be the shooter's platform of choice.

PlayStation UK marketing manager Lauren Bradley certainly sees a shift, which is why Sony has "high expectations" for the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront . As she told MCV :

"This generation, the shooter audience is tending to switch over to PS4. So we've got high expectations for Star Wars Battlefront around both launch and into next year."

Sony has made an effort to become more invested in the genre over time; there's already plenty of evidence of that effort this generation. Destiny launched with PS4-exclusive DLC (and Sony was heard to remark that they were treating its release as they would a first-party title), and of course, we all know about the reversal of Call of Duty DLC: Last generation, it was always a timed exclusive for Xbox and now, CoD DLC has timed exclusivity on PS4. Battlefront too has a content edge on Sony's console.

So yeah, I guess things have changed quite a bit.