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Octodad: Dadliest Catch Now Coming To PlayStation 4 On April 23

Yes, the TV show "Deadliest Catch" is perhaps a little more exciting in terms of concept.

But the quirky Octodad: Dadliest Catch is quirky and amusing, and that's worthy of notice. As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , developer Young Horses and Sony will deliver Octodad to the PlayStation 4 on April 23.

The game is already available on PC and was originally expected to release on Sony's new console some time in March. However, they had to delay the game until April, and there's no word yet on an Xbox One version. Well, actually, there are a few words: "We're thinking about it." In Octodad , you play as a father who just so happens to be an octopus, which is why performing even the simplest daily tasks can be quite challenging.

You know, what with all those tentacles and everything.