Last year, we learned that developer Team Ninja had successfully resurrected Nioh .
Originally in development for PS3 and eventually shelved, this promising production is back in the works for PlayStation 4, and we'll get a chance to try it out very soon.
As announced over at the PlayStation Blog , a demo for Nioh will land later this month. The "alpha demo" will be ready to roll on PS4 on April 26, but bear in mind it'll only be available for a limited time; in fact, only until May 5. Better make sure you download it before it disappears!
If you do download it and clear the stage in the demo, you'll snag a DLC pack for the final game called The Mark of the Conqueror. We don't know what's in it just yet but hey, free extra content is always good. Team Ninja will ask you for feedback based on your experience, too, so they can make the game "even more fun."
For now, all we know is that Nioh is due out at some point this year, and it remains one of the more promising PS4 exclusives on the horizon. Which reminds us of another exclusive with a boatload of potential: Horizon: Zero Dawn .
Anyway, for a peek at what the demo will include, here's a teaser. It really does seem like a blend of Dark Souls and Onimusha , doesn't it?
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