Who's ready for some more game announcements, preferably for the PlayStation 4?
As cited by TheSixthAxis , SCEE Blog Manager Fred Dutton has teased a big week for Sony.
Dutton said the company is anticipating "a busy week" and he adds that there are "some intriguing game announcements planned." He didn't elaborate any further but this is plenty; it gets the wheels of discussion turning, right? And don't forget that in previous years leading up to E3, Sony has revealed some pretty huge titles: LittleBigPlanet 2 , MotorStorm: Apocalypse and inFamous 2 . Me, I want Gran Turismo 6 to get announced, and I also want a date for inFamous: Second Son . It's a PS4 launch title, right? Yeah, see, that'd be pretty freakin' awesome.
But the PlayStation Vita could desperately use some new software, too, so that would be welcome as well. What do you think Sony will announce this week? A big-name sequel, a new IP…?