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This MGSV Issue Might Not Allow You To Load Your Game

Although Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is unquestionably one of the best games of the generation thus far, it's not perfect.

We've heard about a variety of issues and the latest might really annoy a few people.

As reported by GameSpot , the latest problem involves busted save files.

Evidently, you might encounter this if you've got multiple Sony Entertainment Network accounts on one PlayStation 4 console. For some unfortunate souls, they get a message that reads: "This save data cannot be used, as the relevant downloadable content was not found." When this happens, you can't even start the game, which has just gotta suck. There doesn't appear to be anything you can do at this point, so…

Konami is working on a solution but for now, the only recommendation is to use a single SEN account on your PS4. This doesn't appear to be a widespread problem but it's also not isolated to a scant few, so maybe you should heed the advice. Don't want to lose save progress in this game, that's for sure!

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain