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Mad Max PS4 Gets Timed Exclusive DLC

You're getting Mad Max on PlayStation 4, right?

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced some timed exclusive content for the PS4 version, which might entice multiplatform owners to go with Sony's console for this anticipated title.

If you do, you'll receive 12 hood ornaments for your car, the Magnum Opus. You can catch a glimpse of 7 of them in the video below; this DLC will be exclusive to PS4 "at least" through November 30, 2015. The content will eventually come to the game's other platforms – Xbox One and PC – but only PS4 owners will have access to these dozen hood ornaments right out of the gate. The ones you see in the trailer are:

It's too bad that Mad Max has to compete with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – maybe a cinch for Game of the Year – but thankfully, September isn't exactly packed. The two biggest games launch on the same day, September 1, but at least you've got some time to play 'em both before the October craziness begins.