LittleBigPlanet is one of the more impressive and important new IPs of the generation, so it makes perfect sense to bring it to Sony's new…
We all know Media Molecule for their widely esteemed and highly entertaining LittleBigPlanet franchise. But they won't work on the very same series forever and…
It's guaranteed to be a top-quality title for the PlayStation Vita (yeah, we'll go out on that limb), so you just might want to pre-order.…
It's bound to be one of the most important games for the PlayStation Vita, and you can sign up now for an early shot at…
We've already seen a couple LittleBigPlanet entries, but might the next be a little different…? Social gaming continues to expand and this expansion is being…
Developer Media Molecule was responsible for bringing us one of the most creative and innovative titles of the generation in LittleBigPlanet . The sequel released…