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Strolling Across Just Cause 3’s Map Takes Over 8 Hours

Well, that's…something.

These big open-world games just keep getting bigger. And sometimes, we don't always appreciate the sheer size and scope of our environment because we're moving so quickly.

But have you ever wondered how long it might take to simply walk across one of those big maps? YouTuber TheyCallMeConor decided to stroll across the sprawling island of Medici in Just Cause 3 (via Kotaku ) and it took him a whopping 8 hours and 40 minutes. Don't worry, though, the video posted is a time-lapse video so you don't actually have to sit there all day.

Conor has walked across other maps, too, including Grand Theft Auto V (a little over 6 hours) and Fallout 4 (less than one hour) but of course, you need to consider other elements like how the world is constructed and standard movement speed.

Related Game(s): Just Cause 3

Explore Just Cause 3’s 400-Mile Map Via Virtual Helicopter

The launch of the anticipated Just Cause 3 is just about upon us.

And if you want to check out the massive interactive playground that will be the fictional island of Medici, PlayStation Access gives you the best look yet.

The video below shows off the game's 400 square-mile map and some of its awesome variety. As we step into the helicopter and get a bird's-eye view of the island, we can envision all the craziness that will ensue once Rico cuts loose and starts blasting his enemies. While this video shows off the picturesque side of Medici, you can also watch it explode in this kick-ass CG trailer .

Interestingly enough, developer Avalanche previously stated the the world in JC3 actually isn't any bigger than the map in JC2. The big difference is that the new landscape is much "denser," which is pretty evident in the footage we've seen thus far.

Just Cause 3 releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on December 1.

Related Game(s): Just Cause 3