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Japanese Devs Weigh In On Their Most Anticipated PS4 Titles

The PlayStation 4 is finally out in Japan, and Dengeki Online conducted a series of mini-interviews with 57 prominent Japanese developers to ascertain their most anticipated PS4 game. DualShockers has the interesting results.

As you can see, Ubisoft's upcoming title Watch Dogs easily topped the list with 19 votes. The Order: 1886 and Deep Down tallied 9 apiece, and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Final Fantasy XV got 8 votes each. Are these the results you expected? One might've predicted the likes of FFXV and MGSV, as they're iconic Japanese franchises, anyway. But Watch Dogs at #1?

Well, one could hazard the theory that considering Japan is a highly technical place – very much into electronics and in fact, the home of many electronic innovations and revolutions – the hacking theme in Watch Dogs makes it attractive to modern Japanese culture. But what about The Order ? And did you notice that Killzone: Shadow Fall got 5 nods?

Yes, interesting to say the least.