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Final Fantasy XV Gets A Release Date For A Release Date

Well sure, we got multiple demos so why not a date for a date?

Some thought Square Enix would announce the finalized launch date for Final Fantasy XV at PAX Prime this weekend but that didn't happen.

Instead, we got the next best thing: The publisher said they would reveal the long-awaited release date in March 2016, reminding everyone that the RPG blockbuster is still scheduled for a global simultaneous launch . They also provided fans with a boatload of new information concerning the setting, Eidolons, and the car. Did you know that if you run out of gas, the characters get out and push ? Yeah, not fun…don't run out of gas.

FFXV, which began its life as Final Fantasy Versus XIII way back in 2006 might finally see the light of day in late 2016. Previously, Square Enix said they absolutely will release the game before 2017 is here, so that's something (if you believe a word they say).

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XV