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Conspiracy Theory Fun: Microsoft Halted PS4 vs. Xbox One Poll?

Oh, nobody really believes it. But it's still fun.

There have been lots of reports from legitimate sources about Microsoft refusing to speak to the press, canceling interviews, and paying publishers to block out the PlayStation symbol on multiplatform games shown during E3. Then MS went and made things worse by…you know, talking at the conference. Still, would they really stoop to halting a poll just to save face?

Amazon started a poll on June 13, asking gamers which console they'd choose in the next generation. This poll was supposed to run through June 20 but as noted by Cinema Blend , Amazon has prematurely ended the lopsided contest. The results were about 95% in favor of the PS4, which is pretty nuts (and boring from a competition standpoint), but why did the poll stop? What's the point of ending it four days early?

Oh, the conspiracy theorists are running around saying Microsoft put a stop to it. It was only resulting in more damaging headlines and when MS saw it, they decided to put the whammy on the poll. Then again, maybe Amazon just stopped it because the comments were getting ugly. That's possible, too; when the console wars and fanboy nonsense leaks into the mainstream, it really is pretty embarrassing. Besides, maybe Amazon just figured there wasn't any reason to keep it up; the battle was won, right?

Even so… Nah, it's just plain silly. It was amusing to see people asking how many MS employees voted in the poll, though.