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European PlayStation Store Boasting Big Deals In January

European gamers like to save money, too.

Most sales we announce are often for the North American territory only, so we're tossing our European friends a bone here: Check out the Euro PlayStation Store this month because there are lots of great deals.

PlayStation Europe has added a second round of PS4 games to its ongoing January sales promotion, and now some of the generation's very best titles are on sale. In some cases, those with PS Plus subscriptions can save even more. I mean, there are all sorts of gems in here, such as the critically acclaimed prequel Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes for only £4, the great FPS Far Cry 4 for just £14.39, and the awesome and totally addictive Rocket League for a mere £9.49. Other sale items include The Evil Within , Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor , Wolfenstein: The New Order , Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition , Driveclub and Alien: Isolation .

Stock up now for the long cold winter!