Those who watched Sony's press conference tonight saw all this, but not everyone on earth got a chance to see the greatness on display.
So in addition to the trailers and announcement videos we've already posted inside our other E3 stories, here's a bunch more that will get you salivating for the next generation of gaming.
First up is a 7-minute gameplay video of Ubisoft's hotly anticipated Watch Dogs . This is a different set of gameplay than what we've seen before, and it highlights the versatility and high-tech style of the game.
Then we've got The Elder Scrolls Online , which has been confirmed for the PS4. Those who love this acclaimed RPG franchise are likely dying to try the new online experience, which is set for 2014. Team up with your friends and head out to conquer anything stupid enough to cross you!
We also got some gameplay for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ; actually, we got over six minutes of AC goodness! This new entry will boast naval battles and a fresh protagonist, and there's plenty of action (and some story tidbits) in this fresh trailer.
During a presentation that involved upcoming PS4 exclusives, Guerrilla's Killzone: Shadow Fall was featured, and it's looking better than ever. This new forest gameplay trailer gives us a fresh look at one of the most anticipated games of 2013. Yes, this will be a launch title for the PS4.
We saw another side of Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls as well. In all previous trailers and videos, we got mostly story-oriented scenes that were ponderous and thoughtful. But as it turns out, protagonist Jodie Holmes is a well-trained individual. The E3 trailer featured her extensive training…
Lastly, the guys at Bungie are prepping the MMOFPS, Destiny , and they put on quite the show during Sony's conference. In over eleven and a half minutes, they show us what it'll be like to take to the battlefield with your friends. It's full of various challenges and plenty of bad-ass action!