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Dynasty Warriors Next: Another Launch Title For Vita

Well, you can't release a new piece of PlayStation hardware without a Dynasty Warriors game of some kind, right?

…wait, did they do it for the PlayStation 3? Well, whatever; Dynasty Warriors Next is on the way for the PlayStation Vita, and it might make Sony's new portable more attractive to die-hard action aficionados.

Tecmo Koei has confirmed that the new DW title will be available alongside the Vita on February 22 in North America. So yeah, add another potentially addictive handheld game to the launch lineup. By using the rear touch pad and the new Speed Musou function that lets players touch or shake their Vita to unleash devastating attacks, they'll experience Dynasty Warriors like never before.

Personally, I was kinda done with this series after I played the first one on the PS2. I remember it being impressive, though, because it was one of the first times gamers saw so many characters on screen at the same time. It actually helped to showcase the power of the second PlayStation, although future iterations didn't really push the envelope.

Related Game(s): Dynasty Warriors Next