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PS4 Controller Prototype Image Shows Off Headphone Jack

At least this seems more feasible; the one without the analog sticks was just ridiculous.

Digital Foundry has Tweeted a new image of the possible PlayStation 4 controller.

It looks a lot like the standard Dual Shock, only with what seems to be a headphone jack built in and that front touch pad, which may function much like the rear touch-pad on the PlayStation Vita. The images we've been seeing have been dubbed prototypes so the final design might look a little different; hopefully, it looks sleeker and a little less…cheap. Maybe that's a bad word to use when describing the pictures we've seen thus far, but even the believable ones look like a slightly fancier gamepad from the 16-bit days.

It just doesn't scream "next-gen" to me, you know?

Rumor: PS4 SplitShock Controller Ditches Analog Sticks

Rumors concerning the new controller that will launch with the PlayStation 4 continue to circulate. The latest might be borderline official.

It seems an insider document has been leaked and it contains all the pertinent details of what will be known as the "SplitShock" controller; an evolution of the standard DualShock.

According to the information, the SplitShock will feature three major changes: First is the removal of the analog sticks; a front touch-pad has replaced the time-honored form of control. There are actually two touch-pads and games can be ported from iOS or Android platforms as well. Change number two is the "SHARE" button, which lets users "store any pictures, music, or movies on their SplitShock controller." It will even sync with their PSN account and remain updated with their profile. Pressing the SHARE button essentially means that any files on the SplitShock can be used on another PS4.

Last up, the SplitShock incorporates PlayStation Move sensors:

"With a press of a button, the SplitShock separates into two halves. This opens up yet another way for developers to customize whatever control system they desire. While the SplitShock is in split mode users can experience a full motion control setup that consumers have become accustomed to with the Move and Navigation controller combination. Another benefit is that since both halves of the SplitShock are Mirrored, even left handed players will have no issues."

Removing the analog sticks sounds like a horrendously bad idea. So much so that I have to question the veracity of this information. But if it's true…there may be a widespread Sony fan revolt.

Rumor: PS4 Controller Looks “More Or Less” Like The DS3

There have been a lot of rumors flying around concerning the default controller for the upcoming PlayStation 4.

Some of them say the gamepad won't look anything like what you see here; i.e., the standard Dual Shock controller that has been in existence for nearly three full generations of PlayStation hardware.

But the most recent rumor from a supposed inside source says that in fact, the new controller might look a lot like the Dual Shock. According to VG24/7 , the only difference is that a touch-pad will reside on the front, thereby forcing the Start and Select buttons to move. The source says the controller is "more or less" the same shape as the current Dual Shock, so that's good news. Oh, and the L2 and R2 buttons have apparently been remodeled, which I wouldn't mind, either.

We've heard about the possibility of a touch-pad before, but previous rumors said it would be on the back of the controller, ala the PlayStation Vita. We've also heard about a "Share" button on the PS4 gamepad but apparently, this new source says that doesn't exist. Guess we'll just have to wait…and thankfully, that wait shouldn't be long.

Dual Shock Controller Getting All Blinged Out In October


There are quite a few available colors for the Dual Shock 3 controller right now, but the coolest – or perhaps the gaudiest – will become available exclusively at GameStop .

Yep, it's the Metallic Gold controller and it's coming to stores in October (the 9th, to be exact). Me, I really want a dark forest green one, but I'm happy with silver and blue right now. As for our European friends, the gold PS3 controller will also come your way, and you're getting it this month, too…lucky bastards. It'll be released as a "limited edition." Check out the European blog post if you're interested.

We really need to get some new hardware colors, though. What's the point of having all these great shades for accessories if we can't match it up with our systems, damnit?