Sony Employee Shows Excellence in Customer Service.
A heart warming story about present day customer service happens about as often as a snowball surviving a supernova; so this should make you smile.
I found this story over at Gamespot .
A PlayStation fan, Peter Byrne, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy wrote to Sony to complain about the Dual Shock 4 controler design. He explained that gameplay was being ruined because every time his left hand brushed the touchpad on the controller, it paused their game. You can read the story in this gamer's own words in this Facebook post .
Well, that message seomehow arrived with Alex Nawabi who works in PlayStation Retail Marketing. Alex decided that he needed to do something, so he replied to Peter and told him he was working on a solution for him. Then he personally broke down several DS4 controllers to constuct a custom controller for Peter. This custom controller disables the touchpad and replaces it with a button on the back of the controller. This was the first time he'd attempted any project of this sort, but he went ahead, and sent the modified DS4 controler to Peter.
Alex attached a message indicating that he wasn't sure how long the controller would last since it was custom rebuilt, and obviously out of warranty. He also said that he was working on a second one, just in case the first one broke. Alex says in his message;
"The Email you sent definitely struck a chord within… It killed me to hear how something you used to enjoy thoroughly was being ruined because of our new controller design."
Peter says, "I honestly got choked up reading the letter as I did not expect anything like this to happen,".
PS4 has many accessibility settings now, including the ability to remak buttons. Gamers with special needs can disable, or remap certain functions to make things work better for them.
This story ought to be reprinted and pinned to the cube wall of every Sony customer relations agent.
Thank you Mr Alex Nawabi, you went far above and beyond to help a gamer in need, and showed what excellent customer service is. Need is most certainly the mother of invention.
Related Game(s): PlayStation 4