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PlayStation 4 Gets Beta Love From Both Dreams And Battleborn

PlayStation 4 has already been home to several exclusive (or timed exclusive) betas and that trend will continue in 2016.

First up is a beta for the anticipated MOBA-like multiplayer shooter from Borderlands developer Gearbox Software, Battleborn . This beta will debut on PS4 in "early 2016" and the test will come to Xbox One and PC later.

Furthermore, the team revealed the three multiplayer modes for the game; producer Chris Thomas filled everyone in during the Paris Games Week event: There's Capture , which is basically a capture-and-control match between two teams; there's Meltdown , which has each team herding waves of minions to their deaths (kinda like a reverse Lemmings theme), and then there's Incursion , which has teams of heroes defending their bases from waves of AI-controlled baddies. Battleborn is slated to release on February 9.

Next up is the beta for the upcoming PS4 exclusive, Dreams , in development at LittleBigPlanet studio Media Molecule. It was further announced that Dreams will launch at some point next year, which is good news. This is the game that has players creating their own Imp, which helps them interact with objects in the environment. The Imp can even possess characters, vehicles and inanimate objects to make them move. And every time a player opens a door, it leads them to a "different dream."

To learn more about how you actually play this esoteric title, PlayStation Access has given us the explanation we need: