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Drakengard For PS4? Sadly, Not Enough Money In The Till

Without the start-up cash, you just can't make the game.

Drakengard 3 launched for the PlayStation 3 in Japan in 2013 and it's slated to come to the US some time this year. So, might we also see a new installment for the PS4?

A fan asked series director Taro Yoko on Twitter whether or not we can expect such a project. Unfortunately, Yoko replied:

"Thank you for your message. I hope to make the game for PS4 but I can't have enough money for development. :("

A later Twitter reply from another fan suggested a Kickstarter campaign, which wouldn't be a bad idea. Drakengard has been one of those niche franchises that only caught on with a select few here in the west, but a sequel done right could be excellent. However, resources are always essential and if you don't got 'em, nothing happens. Who wants to loan Yoko and Co. some money so they can get started?