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Detroit: Become Human Sells over Two Million Units Worldwide

Detroit: Become Human

Quantic Dream, developers of Detroit: Become Human, have done pretty well for themselves. The game had multiple main characters and choices that influenced the finale. If you felt this game was epic, you’re not alone as they have breached a massive milestone. This milestone has been surpassed in a mere seven months since its launch.

According to PlayStation’s Twitter, the game has sold over two million copies worldwide. In the tweet, they extended a congratulations to Quantic Dream’s success for the PlayStation exclusive.

Quantic Dream also sent out a tweet, mentioning that this was their fastest selling game and took the opportunity to thank the community and their team.

Well done Quantic Dream!

What do you think? Does this number surprise you? Are you a proud owner of Detroit: Become Human?

Play A Demo of Detroit: Become Human Tonight

Detroit Become Human

Earlier today co-CEO of Quantic Dream, Guillaume de Fondaumiere, announced on that PlayStation Blog that their upcoming futuristic game Detroit: Become Human has gone gold. The game is ready to go! He talked about how fans have reacted to the game over the last few years and his excitement to get the game in gamers hands.

Detroit is Gold

Quantic Dream has really made a name for itself over the years. Mostly known for games such as Heavy Rain or Fahrenheit, the french company has always made games that are unique to them. Choices you make in these games affect the outcome in interesting ways. It looks like all the practice has paid off as all this has culminated in Detroit. Every decision can change how the story plays out in multiple pathways. It’s a choose your own adventure in a grand way.

Guillaume mentioned all the work over the last four years the team put into Detroit but the concept has been around for even longer than that. The well known team blew everyone away clear back in 2012 on the PS3. It was just a tech demo and not a new game at the time but it was well acted and engaging and planted the seed for Detroit.

The game has come a long way and looks to bring an interesting aspect to the concept of androids and humans coexisting (or not). Not only did the game go gold today but they are also releasing a demo which will be available April 24th at 12:01 AM. That’s tonight! The demo is the first area of the game and is also the same demo that was played live with the crowd at PSX 2017. Although corny it was pretty fun.

You can also use Alexa to help you gather more information. If you happen to have Alexa, you can use what is called the “Cyberlife” skill and ask questions about the game.

With the CyberLife Skill, you’ll be able to learn more about the world of Detroit: Become Human:

  • Tell Me About – Get more details as you examine every piece of the crime scene.Try saying: “Alexa, ask CyberLife to tell me about the fish?”

  • What’s Their Story? – Uncover the truth behind any character you find within the demo.Try saying: “Alexa, ask CyberLife to tell me about the Phillips Family?”

  • Alter the Course of History – Using the Flowchart at the end of the demo, use the skill to discover alternate endings.Try saying: “Alexa, ask CyberLife why Connor failed to reach Daniel in time?”

Check out the demo and hopefully it will hold you over until the May 25th release date. Congrats once again to Quantic Dream.