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Dragon’s Dogma Online Nears 1 Million Downloads In Japan

We still have no idea if the game will make its way to other regions, but perhaps its success in Japan is a good sign.

Dragon's Dogma Online launched in the Land of the Rising Sun at the end of last month and it's already racking up some pretty solid numbers.

As reported by DualShockers , Capcom has confirmed that DDO has surpassed 100,000 concurrent connections (yes, that means players online at the same time). Furthermore, as of September 6, over 330,000 players had sampled the game and overall, DDO has been downloaded 960,000 times across PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC. At last check, there were "no plans" to bring the game to the US or Europe.

But again, if the numbers are impressive enough, that might prompt Capcom to give us Dragon's Dogma Online . Want it?