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Ubisoft: Consumers Warming Up To The New Assassin’s Creed

Fans don't forget that easily.

Last year's Assassin's Creed Unity suffered through a problematic launch and gamers didn't forget, which is one reason why first-week sales for the new Assassin's Creed Syndicate were down.

During the publisher's latest earnings report , the company said the issues plaguing Unity likely had a negative impact on first-week sales for Syndicate but things are looking up. Second-week sales showed a marked improvement, probably due to the reports that the new AC adventure was technically sound and relatively reliable.

Furthermore, Ubisoft cites the "mostly positive" critical reception, which also may have influenced the uptick in second-week sales. As of right now, Syndicate sales are on par with that of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag , which ended up selling over 10 million copies before December 31, 2014. It's also worth noting that total playtime for Syndicate is "massively up" when compared to Unity .

We say Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a fantastic game, with plenty of improvements and enhancements and some of the most likable characters in franchise history.