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Zombie Army Trilogy Review

Replay Value:
Overall Rating:
Online Gameplay:
Not Rated
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
July 21, 2015

Yes, I’m aware that zombies are here to stay. They’re iconic villains, especially in the world of video games. I’ve got no problem with their legendary status and let’s face it, what would Resident Evil be without zombies? I also have no problem with re-released packages of older games, especially when considering the typically appreciative fanbase. However, when the games in question simply reek of old age and low budget constraints, and the gameplay suffers from a variety of tedious and irritating drawbacks, we end up with a wholly underwhelming compilation. Despite the decent fun factor, that’s the best way to describe Zombie Army Trilogy .

Nobody is going into this game expecting a visual masterpiece. And it’s not like the game looks bad , per se; it’s just drab and dated. The level design feels boring and repetitive, the enemies – while expectedly faceless – are even too one-dimensional for zombies, and the animations and effects are merely average. Each of the three installments have similar shortcomings and nothing really stands out. I just don’t know how many times we can mow down zombies in uninspired settings; if we don’t at least have the benefit of raucous, eye-popping effects and a ragingly cool atmosphere, we lose interest fast . I guess fans of the original titles won’t care but by today’s standards, the graphics are mediocre.

The sound doesn’t fare any better due to a low-budget cornball soundtrack, filled with generic synthesized drama and no voice acting. Some of the gory effects hit the earphones with satisfying impact and a few of the weapons sound cool, but that’s about it. There’s also a distinct balancing issue, another clear sign of an older production. None of the games really seem to get much better, either; it’s as if they were all cut from the exact same mold, and little effort was made to improve each installment. I guess Rebellion just assumed that those who play such games aren’t overly demanding. Okay, maybe that’s a fair point; they just wanna shoot zombies. Even so, this simply feels tired and overdone.

You can toss out the story and characters in the first breath. You’re likely not anticipating an excellent narrative and you’re right; it’s a predictable, throwaway script for each game. Bear in mind that I don’t even consider this a strike against the game, provided the gameplay stands tall. That doesn’t really happen here, though, despite the rampant and occasionally entertaining violence that gets splattered all over your screen. You run around inside these box-like levels, shooting anything that moves and taking advantage of a few nifty tools like landmines and trip-wires. Then there’s the lone gameplay feature that stands out, and those who are familiar with Sniper Elite know what it is…

It’s the X-ray kill-cam, which involves a slo-mo, close-up shot of a particularly well-placed bullet ripping through a hapless foe’s body. You can see the tiny piece of lead tracing a devastating path through skin, bone, muscle and organs, and it’s clearly supposed to be a highlight of the experience. Well, it is and it isn’t. On the one hand, it’s a visceral prize for the dead-eyed shooters, and I didn’t find it particularly tiresome. On the other hand, if you’re desperately trying to keep this one feature in the crosshairs (pun intended) throughout the experience, you will invariably force awkward situations on the player. Unfortunately, that does happen quite a bit in Zombie Army Trilogy and it really interrupts the flow of the game.