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In The Shadows Creepy-Crawls Onto PlayStation 4 In 2017

I recommend keeping this one on your radar next year.

Nicolas Temese from Color Space Studios has announced a promising new game over at the PlayStation Blog : It's called In the Shadows and it'll be come to PlayStation 4 in 2017.

Called a "puzzle platformer," the player must scare away the baddies of the night using available light sources. It sounds like a simplistic premise but really, the focus is on the concept and narrative, as there's a "deeply emotional story about fighting fears, realizing the comforts of everyday life, and seeing things with a new perspective."

The main character is a normal guy whose dreams just never came true. But perhaps they didn't because he has forgotten the daydreams of his youth and hence, his adult life has come to a halt. He has lost something vital and he must find it again. Here's Temese's description of the puzzle-based gameplay:

"The puzzles are carefully crafted so that the game progresses at a comfortable pace while providing quite the challenge later on. All of the puzzles are based around different objects that come to life in the night as shadow monsters. Each of these monsters serves a purpose; for each obstacle there is a solution. You can scare away a monster to transform it into a tool that will grant you a new ability with a unique mechanic, but you need to be careful as the tool will transform back into a crawling monster when the lights are off!"

This right here is one of the reasons I frequently check the PlayStation Store. Potential gems like this could be lurking right beneath your nose…