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Final Fantasy Abdicating Its Throne

Well, either they've changed or I have.

In looking back at the year in review, I suddenly noticed something; it was quite the revelation, actually: in every generation since the 16-bit days, Final Fantasy ended up being my favorite franchise of that period. Three generations in a row, starting with FFIV. It always seemed inevitable. Granted, Grand Theft Auto , Metal Gear Solid and God of War gave it a solid run for its money in the PS2 generation, but in the end, I treasured FFX, FFX-2 (yes, even that one) and FFXII more than anything else. At least, in terms of a series vs. series comparison. Now, I'm quite aware this is a very subjective point of view but my point remains: when this generation ends, FF will not be my favorite franchise of the generation. Most likely, it'll be Uncharted .

We can't make the argument that Square-Enix just changed things up too much with FFXIII, and FFXIV was a failed experiment. The latter can't really be considered an "experiment" because they already dabbled in the MMORPG realm with FFXI, and I hear that turned out pretty damn well. Furthermore, I think we can all acknowledge the vast differences between FFIV and FFXII. FFXII was quite the drastic departure from any recent installment and although it's not my favorite, it was still awesome. It was still memorable. It was still head-and-shoulders above most anything else available. So it's not that FFXIII is different…it must be that it's just not as phenomenal. And FFXIV was just plain broken. We don't even get a FF spin-off of some kind to cling to – like Final Fantasy Tactics – and God only knows when Final Fantasy Versus XIII will arrive.

But I have my reservations about the latter, anyway. Not only will FF not be my favorite series of the PS3/360/Wii generation, it's unlikely to rank in the top 5. Isn't that quite the significant fall from grace? While I do play more genres now than ever before, I still believe RPGs are my bread and butter…even if there aren't a heck of a lot them, anymore. I have to believe that if Square-Enix made something memorable, as Squaresoft always used to do, I'd know it. I'd feel it. I loved FFXIII. I really did. But in any other generation, it would be sitting at the top of my list right now…and it's not. And in truth, that's a little depressing. 🙁

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13 years ago

If the world ended right now and the current video game generation ended, what would your top 5 favorite games be this gen?

13 years ago

My top 5 this gen:
1. Uncharted 2
2. R&C future: a crack in time
3. LittleBigPlanet
4. inFamous
5. Killzone 2

13 years ago

1:Uncharted 2
4:God of War 3
5:Demon's Souls

Some of you may think this list is flawed, but I don't remember U1 that well, and all the gems like LBP and inFamous, they weren't really my cup of tea. I'm just sad that WKC isn't on this list, because I was really hoping for that game to be a LOT better. I'm sure once U3, Skyrim, FFV13, and WKC2 come out, there will be some changes to my list.

Last edited by Riku994 on 12/23/2010 10:18:34 PM

13 years ago

Whether or not that list is something everyone agrees on is irrelevant. It's a very reasonable list based on your preferences. It's not like you put Last Rebellion up there.

13 years ago

As for me, I really have to echo Ben's sentiment.

My ABSOLUTE favorite genre is the RPG genre. And not a single game in my top 5 is an RPG. That makes me a sad panda. My top 5 are:

1) Uncharted 2
2) Assassin's Creed 2
3) Uncharted 1
4) Little Big Planet
5) inFamous

Note: I did really like Demon Souls, but it just didn't make my top 5.

13 years ago

P.s. (sorry for aNOTHER post)
To compare, my top 5 PS1 games were the 3 FF's, Xenogears, and Parasite Eve. I might even sub out Parasite Eve for FFTactics.

PS2 games were FFX, Dragon Quest 8, FFX-2 (My favorite FF in terms of gameplay. Not so much story), and the 2 Kingdom Hearts games.

As you can see… SquareSoft/Square-Enix dominated my top 5 lists in both gens. All 10 (11) in fact! Not a single one this gen.

13 years ago

Amazing how many of those games are playstation exclusives eh 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

1. Uncharted 2
2. Heavy Rain
3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
4. Assassin's Creed II/AC Brotherhood

And I can't decide between GTAIV and GoWIII for #5.

13 years ago

Similarly for me….

1] Uncharted 2
2] Killzone 2
3] GoW III
4] Red Dead Redemption
5] Heavy Rain

This list will probably change a little when UC3, GTAV, Mass Effect 2 and 3), Last Guardian and Infamous 2 are released… what is one to do?

My list is scewed a tad due to the online play!



Last edited by Qubex on 12/24/2010 1:29:35 AM

13 years ago

1. Uncharted 2
2. Heavy Rain
3. Metal Gear Solid 4
4. Mass Effect 2
5. God of War III / Red Dead Redemption

And that's only for this generation. Of all time, it would be Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Uncharted 2, GTA San Andreas and Shadow of the Colossus.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 12/24/2010 1:31:15 AM

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
13 years ago

I agree that Final Fantasy has lost its charm upon me. In my opinion, the last truly great Final Fantasy was X (ten).
This generation the best two series', by a mile, are Mass Effect and Uncharted. Maybe Gears of War gets a distant 3rd place?
Best games though…
1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Mass Effect 2
3. Uncharted 2
4. Fallout 3
5. Call of Duty 4

Last edited by The X Factor 9 on 12/24/2010 3:24:42 AM

13 years ago

Demon's Souls
Heavy Rain
White Knight Chronicles
Metal Gear Solid 4
5. Majin and the forsaken kingdom

You could put the first 4 in about any order for me depending on the day and my particular mood.

As for Majin, definitely 5th because it wasn't as polished or innovative, but it gets on my list for pure unadulterated fun factor.

13 years ago

1) Uncharted 2
2) Assassin's Creed 2/Brotherhood
3) Final Fantasy XIII
4) Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
5) Demon's Souls

Well, I've still got 2 Square games there.
I agree though that XIII was way below my expectations. Had it met them, it'd be at the top.

13 years ago

Here is my list: I am a RPG dude as well.

1. Uncharted 2
2. Gran Turismo 5
3. White Knight Chronicles
4. Red Dead Redemption
5. Final Fantasy XIII

But many titles this generation have some RPG element in them, EVEN Gran Turismo 5 with it's level up system!

Merry Christmas

13 years ago

My top 5:
1. Uncharted 2 (obviously)
2. Metal Gear Solid 4 (action and story at its best)
3. Little Big Planet (bring out the kid in you)
4. Heavy Rain (the movie thriller that was packaged as a game)
5. CoD (none in particular, they're all the same)

I liked the feel of KZ2, but detested the foul language, and the MP, while it was great and lag-free, i didn't really have that longetivity-factor IMO. Infamous, RDR and GTA4 are great games, but i just don't have that big a knack for sandbox games (AC as well but i've yet to play AC2 and AC:B)
Special mention to GT5 and GoW3. GT5-with your ever so increasing realism, i realize that i really am NOT for racing, and thus i had to put you off my top 5. GoW3-you would've been my 6th. Had it all–story, action, epic setting, but the ending was too "safe".

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Crap…forgot about RDR and KZ2.

…damnit. Okay, they're ALL tied for #5 on my list. 😉

13 years ago

My list

1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Ratchet & Clank: ACIT
3. Killzone 2
4. inFamous
5. Uncharted 2

Note: I have yet to play any game from 2010 yet, but I hope to change that by tomarrow.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 12/24/2010 1:38:33 PM

13 years ago

I hear yuh spiderboi, I didn't like Natko much and absolutely dispised Rico. Sev is ok, but they killed the one guy that I liked..poor Garza

13 years ago

metal gear solid 4
uncharted 2
call of duty 4
bad company 2
killzone 2
these are game that i had the best time with and ill never forget.

13 years ago

My Favorite games of a series last gen was the Yakuza Series.Yakuza 1 and 2 are so much better than Final Fantasy.So much to do and Epic Story lines!

13 years ago

GT did an RPG of the year, FF13 wasn't even nominated

13 years ago

Uncharted is this generation's Final Fantasy.

13 years ago

The two can't really be compared in any way though. It's like apples and sports cars.

13 years ago

I agree, I'm not comparing them, I'm just saying that where many of us might have picked a particular JRPG in previous generations, I believe that the majority would pick Uncharted this generation – if asked.

13 years ago




True but I don't think he's comparing the games, rather comparing the effect that FF used to have on us. The Uncharted games are know holding that effect on us which Final Fantasy used to.

13 years ago

Nah, Uncharted is great, but it doesn't have a similar affect.

13 years ago

Agreed, World.

13 years ago

I don't know, Metal Gear Solid 1 and Gran Turismo could be considered the best games for ps1.

Just like MGS3 and GOW1 and 2 could be considered the best games for ps2.

For me FF hasn't always been the default winner in generations. The rpgs of the generations, yup.

For me it's always tied between many series.

13 years ago

1. ff13
2. castlevania
3. heavenly sword
4. uncharted series
5. dc universe (maybe)

All of these are not in any particular order. By the way, why haven't Ben mentioned dc universe, or has he already?

13 years ago

I'm in the same boat, in fact 4 generations in a row because the first was my favorite game ever on NES. But now I dunno if I have a favorite at all. RPGs are still my faves too but even the very best of them this gen hasn't been as phenomenal as the old days.

Favorite series now? Sheeeit it's too hard to pick. There's lots of great little ones springing up or continuing on or rebooting. Fallout? inFamous? I probably won't know until this generation is over.

13 years ago

Ben, you are getting old!

You've grown out of spending 40 hours upgrading quivers, talking to cats and mixing spells.

It comes to us all…

13 years ago

OK, it's Christmas Eve, and just for fun, and with apologies to the original authors (for butchering their work), I thought this might raise a smile or two (apologies to those not mentioned, there just wasn't room…);

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through PSN,
Not a player was stirring, not even a n00b;
The downloads were set by the players with care,
In hopes that DC Universe soon would be there;
The twitchers were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of napalm danced in their heads;
And Arnold in his Condo, and Ben in his flat,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the network there arose such a clatter,
Ben sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the browser Ben flew like a flash,
Clicked open the Menu and pulled up the list.
The n00bs on the forum of the PSX site
Gave the time honored sign of losers in flight,
When, what to Ben's wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature flame, and eight words of fear,
With a little light sarcasm, not lively or quick,
Ben replied to the n00b, this is not a fight you should pick.
More rapid than Usenet the regulars came,
Ben whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Jawknee! now, Biker!, now, Underdog and Lawless!
On, Worlds! on Scarecrow! on, Highlander and Qubex!
To the top of the post! to the top of the review!
Now post away! Post away! Post away you!"

"Ben sprang to his PlayStation, to the team gave a whistle,
And to Home they all flew with the speed of a missile.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

Have a good time everyone.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/23/2010 10:52:23 PM

13 years ago

Nice one Highlander,
I got more than a just a few good chuckles out of that!!!!!!

13 years ago

That's sooo funny, I read this blog and forum every day but never post. and when I read the comments I usually skip to all of the names on the list :-p

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

HA. Well crafted.

Happy holidays to all. 🙂

13 years ago

That was awesome, superlol!

13 years ago

lmao, it's great that site is all about deep thinking and information.

Sure a few preferences for this or that but in the end a respectful and thoughtful community/news site.

Happy holidays Highlander, you bring a perspective few can achieve.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 12/24/2010 2:36:46 PM

13 years ago

More fodder for the Square haters? I expect there to be something about Microsoft's hand in all this. Geez… Hey, when's the next thread on CoD? I'm sure THAT won't be a string of the exact same comments we see time and time again…

That being said, FF13 was pretty awesome to me. My favorite battle system of any FF proper from 3 to 13. Better than the Gambit system to me. I loved how it was fast-paced but kept you in your toes with the need for constantly shifting strategy. I'm a fan of stories in games, and FF13's is among the best. Yes, towns are fun too explore, but I like how the charaters just say what they are thinking(felt more organinc and natural, like the battle system) not just pressing X and reading text. I felt like I was on a journey with these characters, un interrupted by my curious need to explore. JRPGs have always given us the illusion of freedom, but they are pretty confining when you think about it, especially compared to RPGs from the west. FF13 seemed to be the admission of that, but also an answer to it, by putting the story along with the usual grinding we would have done anyway. It's also a technical marvel, polished to perfection. I haven't been amazed by an FF graphically since 7 so it was pretty cool to have that old feeling back. I can tell four years of absolute hard work went into this game(I'm looking at you, GT5…).

For what FF13 is, it can only be seen as 'bad' or 'wrong' by people trapped in the by the thought that there is only ONE way to do an RPG. This is another Spirits Within for me. Not what I expected, but I'll leave MY notions at the door, and let Square take me on the fantastic journey and story THEY want to tell. And enjoy the heck out of it along the way.

13 years ago

I think if you're comparing FFXIII to Spirits Within, there's an issue. lol

But joking aside, FFXIII needed gambits. It was basically like having FFXII set to have your characters automatically act but without control over what they will all do. I can understand if you liked it better than, say, the junction, materia, or job/subjob systems if that's your preference (although I disagree), but the worst comparison you could make is to gambits… Because really, FFXIII just took the control away from you. Gambits give it to you.

I don't know… I think you would have an argument if you focus more on the story and characters. Making a case for FFXIII's gameplay is tough. It wasn't very solid, it took control away from you (the biggest sin), and required very minimal strategy with the exception of the strongest Ci'eth stone. But even that wasn't hard. You just needed to be patient.

Anyways, make a case if you will. And I can understand most of what you say, but I must wholeheartedly disagree on your case for the battle system. Fast paced, yes… but zero control. (FFX-2 was fast paced, but you had full control, for example.)

I personally found it to be sub-par. I enjoyed the story, alright, and I would personally give it a 8.3 (I think I did in user reviews). But it was not as amazing as past FF's. A great game I enjoyed, yes, but far weaker than past FF's. (And yes, I even platinumed it, so I think I have enough experience with FFXIII to make a full analysis.) In the end, while I liked it, it came no where near my top 5 this gen. PS1 era? All 3 FF's were definitely in my top 5. (Probably along with Xenogears and Parasite Eve) In fact, this is the first gen I have NO RPG's, let alone rpg's not dominating my list.

My 2 cents.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/23/2010 11:23:58 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Wrong. If you read the article, you'd know I don't think there's "one way" to do an RPG. The FF series proved there's more than one way, several times.

There were also a TON of ways to approach turn-based and hybrid RPGs, as the PS2 generation proved. Shadow Hearts, Suikoden, Tales, Legaia; Dark Cloud, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest VIII; they're all quite different.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/24/2010 12:23:43 AM

13 years ago

And if you read my comment, I said that in reference to people who would say this game is 'bad or, in some way, 'wrong'. You've expressed that you enjoyed the game. Loved it, even. I never said it had to be your favorite. It's not mine, save for the battle system.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

And I'm telling you you're wrong to assume that people who didn't like FFXIII think "RPGs have to be done one way."

I can pretty much guarantee they wanted an RPG. …and FFXIII barely qualifies.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/24/2010 12:42:07 AM

13 years ago

Well, 'one' was the wrong term, but you basically said what I was attempting to. Final Fantasy 13 is a great game and only people going in expecting certain( certain's a better term.) elements will come away saying this game is not. Which is also why I made the Spirits Within reference. Most people hated that movie, not because it was bad, but because the Final Fantasy name had them expecting something that wasn't there. Personally, I'll take Spirits Within over the complete fanservice that was Advent Children any day.

13 years ago

I gotta say, I was one of the biggest doubters and haters on ff13 before I played it. I simply thought it was so far gone from final fantasy that I would never be able to enjoy it.

After playing it tho for over 50 hours, I loved it a lot. Surprised me more than anyone, but even tho I love it a lot, its very, very, can't stress it enough, very "rpg light."

13 years ago

I hated Spirit's Within, though. I felt like I had seen it before. It was like a Halo/Star Trek mix. It had been done before, and it was very sub-par. The story was ill contrived and poorly delivered. Terrible movie.

13 years ago

"not just pressing X and reading text"

Sorry, i just had to comment on that. That was how i felt playing FF13. And yes, admitted, i am one of those haters of 13. reason being is because it didn't feel like a final fantasy. all the other FF games, while having distinct systems, felt that FF tinge. i didn't feel it with 13. In the same way, Advent Children felt FF rather than the sci-fi Aliens wannabe Spirits Within. i'm not sure if it can really be put into words, but it just isn't final fantasy to me..

13 years ago

@ Kraygen

I think that because you didn't get your hopes up like most people and were probably prepared for something on the lines of "meh", you were able to be impressed by what it did get right. Agreed, RPG light definitely. So much more on the lines of RPGdome that could've been done with it.

@ Underdog15

You know Final Fantasy became popular because of what it used to be (here's hoping it returns to its former glory). Something tells me that if they made the first FF movie that was along the lines of Final Fantasy 6's storyline it would have done worlds better…

13 years ago

@ Spiderboi

I feel ya. Do you know how many times while playing FF13 I was waiting to hear the traditional battle victory theme? Even FF12 had it though it was only after boss battles.

Its like SE wanted to strip the final fantasy out of this game. All they left were familiar names of magic and summon beasts.

13 years ago

All these subsequent comments do little more than prove my point. 'I was waiting to hear this theme.' or 'It didn't feel like Final Fantasy.'. Like I said, it's a great game ( and SW is a good movie) only disliked by the fact that it's not what you expected or what you deem it was 'supposed to be'…

13 years ago

Square haters you said. No one proved any of your points. In fact, the article said nothing of Ben hating FFXIII. And I didn't either. We just all felt it doesn't deserve to be in our top 5 selections. And the reason we point that out is because FF USED to always be present in past generations. If anything, we've supported Ben's stance very well.

And Spirits Within was terrible. Plain and simple. It was awful. Whether it was called ff or not is irrelevant. As far as entertainment goes, it had no redeeming qualities beyond it's nice CG. It was in theatres, you know. There's a reason it got awful reviews from NON FF FANS!!!! And there's a reason it failed. Resident Evil did alright in the box office. So did Tomb Raider. Neither were really as expected from the game fans. But it was irrelevant, because they did well on the movies.

SW was awful. Voice acting was bad, story was ill contrived and it was poorly delivered.

Anyways, I don't think anyone here proved your point even a little bit. MAYBE if we had been all "SE sux and FFXIII was a terrible game" you'd have a point. But no one here did that. We simply stated it is not as amazing and revolutionary as past FF's have been. The fact is, FFXIII was fun, sure, but it really was "RPG Lite" as someone said. And the poor gameplay reflected it's overall score. (Which is like a 8.3 metacritic I believe. Still good… but look at past FF's… they're all 9's mostly.)

In fact the only point you made that was proven, was that we wouldn't agree with you… So….

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/25/2010 8:07:05 PM

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