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Sony Reveals Upgrade Program For Cross-Generation Games

If you don't plan on picking up the PlayStation 4 this year, you'll probably end up getting some of those cross-gen titles for the PS3.

Games like Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag , Watch Dogs , Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4 will be available on both the PS3 and PS4. And Sony has now revealed an upgrade program.

Basically, if you buy the PS3 version of one of those games, and then get the digital iteration for the PS4 at a later date, you will receive the latter version at a "significantly discounted price." Many of the major publishers are participating in this program; right now, Electronic Arts, Activision, Ubisoft and Warner Bros. have all signed up to take part. By the way, retailers such as Amazon and GameStop have similar promotions that let gamers trade up to the next-gen version for only $10. I say, just get a new system ASAP. 😉

We're not sure if this program will be available worldwide.

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10 years ago

It's a good idea to make extra money off suckers.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
10 years ago

Not everyone can afford the PS4 right off the bat.

I think this upgrade program is a fantastic idea.

10 years ago

i dont think thats what world meant. it might be because you have to buy the digital version of the ps4 game. this is basically sony pushing for all digital adaption disguised as an update program. in the way of owning the game, sony's program is better than gamestop given thet you keep the ps3 game while youll need to trade that in with gamestop. im not saying its a bad thing, im just saying sony is doing this to further their own agenda instead as consumers. in the long run, if people get comfortable enough with the digital model, they wont mind buying digitally. this in turn helps them earn potential profit from the used game market. im just hoping that they decide to pass on some savings when pricing digital game price.

im one of the people not buying ps4 at launch so ill buy ps3 version of bf4 first. i still want to play ps3 games that i cant get right now. beyond 2 souls, tales of xillia, tales of symphonia colection, atelier ayesha, neptunia V just to name a few.

Last edited by johnld on 8/20/2013 4:20:38 PM

10 years ago

I'm just saying it's a good idea because suckers will fall for it, suckers being people who can't wait until they upgrade to buy the game and end up spending more money on it.

10 years ago

World do have a point. There's no requirement to buy a game on day one, and if you can't afford the PS4 off the bat there's *plenty* cash to save from not buying games right away.

But this is still a cool deal for those who want to keep playing on their PS3 a while longer. It kinda prolongs the PS3 lifespan since it's easier to buy cross-gen releases now, instead of waiting for the PS4.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/21/2013 3:36:44 AM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Sorry had to shout loud enough for japan studio to hear(I'm on the emerald isle)

10 years ago

I preordered BF4 so that's probably the only game I think I may have to end up doing on both platforms. I don't have a PS4 pre-ordered and I think …. THINK …. I can wait until december to get one. Also, can we petition Rockstar to give us a next gen GTAV or something? geez.

10 years ago

sounds reasonable enough.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I was hoping for a between-the-lines confirmation of GTA5 coming for PS4 too. 🙁

10 years ago

and whats the definition of "significant discount"?
this is really stupid though, i mean who is going to buy AC4, BF4, CODG, play them for a month, then want to trade them in and get the next gen version?
$onys basically just cut their launch lineup by 90% now because most of the launch titles will be out a month earlier, thus not making them launch titles at all!

10 years ago

My initial response was similar to WorldEnds however thinking about it more I am playing the same games now I've been playing for a couple of years so knowing I can buy a game to enjoy on my PS3 now then get the PS4 version sometime next year cheap whenever I eventually update my console is a positive. I don't have the space to have more than the single Sony console connected.

10 years ago

Amen; agreed WorldEndsWithMe!

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