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Final Fantasy: The Era Of Disappointment Makes A Statement

Maybe it was inspired by the Mass Effect outcry, or maybe something like this has been brewing in the heads of many a Final Fantasy fan for years.

As veteran fans of the legendary franchise continue to wonder at Square Enix's decisions, more and more people begin to pine for the lost days of Squaresoft. At the very least, it seems painfully obvious that despite what the company says, they are not listening to their die-hard followers.

Therefore, a Facebook page entitled "Final Fantasy: The Era of Disappointment?" has opened just recently, asking FF fans everywhere to rally to their cause. It's a simple one, really: All they want is for Square Enix to listen . And for every 500 people who join up, those in charge will send an update along to the Final Fantasy publisher as if to say, "hey, check us out…" We're willing to bet a great many people will sign on to express their approval and hopefully, it'll grab Square Enix's attention before they muff up Final Fantasy XV .

So here's your chance. Maybe something positive can come of this.

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12 years ago

theres one problem… sqeenix NEVER listens to us.

12 years ago

To me, Square-Enix is a hopeless case this console generation. The only S-E game I'm even remotely interested at (FF Versus XIII) keeps getting delayed and it's almost as good as vaporware now. So, yeah, disappointment obviously.

12 years ago

Although I'm not into RPG's I Re-tweeted just so even more RPG'ers can make their true feelings known to SE.

12 years ago

Consider me signed up, it's time to smoke cigarettes and occupy the bastards, and I'm all out of smokes.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/28/2012 9:57:21 PM

12 years ago

Just don't buy their games I see people complaining but they still bought FFXIII-2 :facepalm:

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/28/2012 11:20:27 PM

12 years ago

I only own 2 SE games for this gen. Final Fantasy 13 and Star ocean The Last Hope. Because of the way the presented FF13-2 to us I can't bring my self to purchase it.

Like many, the only game I'd by from them now it FF versus 13.

12 years ago

Oh yes! Star Ocean was similar at gameplay to the old games despise some tech problems don't ya? that's cool..I can understand people that bought XIII but I was skeptical for some reason.Now people that complained big time and still got XIII-2? I can't -_-

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/29/2012 12:05:01 AM

12 years ago

You can never understand unless you are a dyed in the wool Final Fantasy fan.

12 years ago

I've been with Final Fantasy since IV came out in '91, but when I saw that XIII was not shaping up to be a game I'd like, I was able to refrain from buying it with no problems.

12 years ago

I was fan since VI, the same after read how the gameplay was going to be I just couldn't I also watched gameplay videos I knew I wouldn't like it, I didn't like the idea of XIII-2 but still give it a chance.

Things looked the same to me and the demo cemented it was the same game I didn't like with some changes again.SE doesn't care about our opinions if the game sells good.

Remember when they asked what we wanted and they got millions of reply's that we wanted the remake of VII I doubt this FB thing gonna change unless is backed with their games getting poor sales.

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/29/2012 9:29:08 AM

12 years ago

yeah VI is pretty late to pick it up and have it in your veins.

12 years ago

I later played I,II and IV. Maybe is time to play the others.

12 years ago

I'll support. Also, I do have an idea, but wat exactly in mind do you guys want SE to take note of? Is it the direction FFXIII went, their prioritizing, or just basically them trying to cater to the Western too much?

12 years ago

I think the main problems of the new FF can all be boiled down to one word: Fun!

The old FF games are fun, from the off-kilter characters, to the expansive worlds, to the self-deprecating humor, to the gameplay and leveling systems. It was all fun! Even if one element might let you down, the others would carry the load. Yet, I can't think of a single moment in FF13 that I would describe as "fun." I can admire the technical achievements, or the sound design, or even certain parts of the battle system, but none of it was genuinely entertaining.

The FF team seems to have become so obsessed with technical merit, pushing boundaries and trying to copy Western sensibilities which they don't understand, that they have forgotten the most important element: fun. If a game is fun, it doesn't matter what battle system you use or how detailed the graphics are. Take Xenoblade: It looks like a PS2 game, plays like an MMO, and people are calling it the best JRPG of the generation! Why? Because it's fun!!

S-E needs to take notes.

12 years ago

so here you go folks heres your chance to DO something!
as the saying goes put up or shut up!

12 years ago

I have a message to the fans – Grow up!

Seriously, this sort of activisim is not the right way to go about change. To put it bluntly none of us have the right. What happened with Mass Effect 3 was damn right appaling and should not be seen as a basis for fans to bully developers.

You want to make a change and be part of the industry? Then f***ing study and work hard to get into the industry and then work with then. Our internet generation is quite simply lazy, they can just open up a web page and complain and think they can order everyone around, sad thing is the masses of people are starting to follow this it's not fair.

As for Final Fantasy, my favourite gaming series of all time, I still think Final Fantasy XIII is one of the best gaems this gen. XIII-2 was not as good, but still mighty enjoyable. As you know I'm not a complete fanboy, If I dislike a game I will certainly say so, I'm sure many of you know how I feel about XII now 😛 But as for the games I have been content with them, if anything I am unhappy about DLC which has infected every game series this gen. If anything that is what you should be rioting against, not creative decisions in games which already excell.

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

I will never understand final fantasy fans. "ohhh ff XIII sucks but i'll buy it anyway, its a great game…just not a great final fantasy"

You can cry all you want, but you consented to go to bed with square so stop using the rape card. Why dont the fans cry about ff vs XIII?

12 years ago

Haha! This will change Facebook forever with a new feature : the "Liste." Button.

12 years ago

I really, really hope SE finds a way to turn things around and make great games again. But that doesn't mean I see it happening.

12 years ago

I signed up and sent out to my G+ ppl and FB. Bring back SquareSoft!

12 years ago

Cool initiative. It's going to be real interesting to see how many will join this group.

12 years ago

I thought gamers were acting too entitled… so its ok to complain about square enix but not other stuff?

12 years ago

I wish they would take a risk and make a nice old school throwback with a couple of modern additions.

It would be great to see a game with a world map like in Dragon Quest 8 would it not?

If they used DQ8 as a benchmark and made some changes to certain things they could make a really nice game for oldschool RPG fans.

If they either got rid of random battles or made them less frequent that would be a nice step. I remember DQ8 have battles every couple of steps sometimes, and when your trying to move the story forward it was frustrating.

Keep the combat simple. I think they underestimate a simple but deep battle system, like the one found in DQ8. Its nice to not have a ton of bars and subsystems in an RPG, and just have it simple, but strategic and fast paced.

If I could get square to do one thing it would be to make a game in the same vain as DQ8. Doesn't have to be a DQ game, or cartoony, but just use a very similar formula.

Detailed and fun world map with secrets and hidden treasure. Fast fun simple battle system. Good story with good characters, that make us want to play the game. MINI GAMES!!! DQ 8 had so many mini games and other things to keep you busy with like arenas, monster battle, a casino and probably other things I'm forgetting.

This is what I think most FF fans want. Something with better graphics and a new story, that place like an oldschool simple but deep JRPG, with a world map 😛

12 years ago

well, maybe part of the problem is that even final fantasy xiii has already sold just over 3 million world wide. They've still made some good games and they are still trying to make more. They are trying many different things right now to and are trying to get better. If they stuck to their old format of jrpg's they'd probably be in an even worse position right now. Just look at Eiodos though. They haven't been a better company than they are not. Square has really done some great things. Yes, voice your opinions, especially about trying to make things like call of duty. But don't go all spazzy geek-tard and be disrespectful to a company that has done so much for gaming and is continuing to try new things.

12 years ago

Ha! "than they are not", how bout, "than they are now"

12 years ago

squeenix has lost the ability to make good games, good jrpgs like they used to, the guys that were the brilliant minds there have long since moved on elswhere…

to this day, i have not played the last FF title, yes lightining looks cool, but the game is equivalent to watching a movie while spamming the pause button , there is no choice, no other direction than the on rails direction that the game throws you into, i dont want to play 13 hours of an action title to play the jrpg that i paid for ….i remember, my first ever playstation was bought as i walked past the store and i heard the classic FF(7) into jingle playing….dropped all the money i had right there and then because i jsut HAD , MUST I NEEDED to play that game, thats how i felt about FF …only final fantasy tactics has make me felt like that again, ff9 and ffx are pretty awsome too, anything after that its been crap and uninteresting in my eyes …to say that as a fan of the series i dont care to finish one title says a lot about how much squeeninx has changed our beloved franchise

12 years ago

Don't like it, don't buy it. When enough people hurt their wallet, SE will listen. Or clsoe up shop and sell off the rights.

12 years ago

@Ultimadream, that's not a fair comparison. You can't equate part of a single game (albeit a pretty important part) being sub-par in the fans' eyes to the decline of a beloved series of games that has been happening for a handful of iterations and will probably continue to happen over the next few installments in the series. Although I am biased (I like FF more than ME), I don't think yours is a fair comparison.

@Ather, it is attitudes like yours that cause beloved game franchises to be swallowed by nostalgia instead of being the addiction to get home to right after work…I would rather have not-as-great-as-before games than NO GAMES AT ALL…

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