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Sony Pulling Out All The Stops With PlayStation Vita Campaign

You can't have much of an impact without a great ad campaign. And if there's one device that requires as much promotion as possible, it's the PlayStation Vita.

Scheduled to launch on February 22 in North America, Europe and Australia, Sony says they'll be kicking things into high gear over the next few weeks. With a 5-inch OLED touch screen, dual analog sticks, front and rear cameras, motion sensing, the sweet NEAR feature, and the option of 3G service, the Vita is a very advanced little portable unit.

So what's the best way to pique the consumer's interest? Well, target the right consumer, of course, and in this case, it's the gamer. And Sony will try to tell them that if they want the best handheld interactive experience, they have to own the Vita. Here's what Sony UK marketing manager Mark Bowles told MCV :

"Vita delivers an uncompromised gaming experience on a portable device, for the first time. With a long list of impressive features, we’re confident consumers will be incredibly excited by the latest addition to the PlayStation family.

The PS Vita launch will be supported by the biggest campaign we’ve ever executed, and this level of activity will continue throughout 2012, reflecting our confidence in, and commitment to the platform long term."

He went on to say they're targeting "gamers primarily," but they also want to appeal to the new generation of "tech enthusiasts and entertainment consumers who are used to playing games on their smartphones or tablets." Obviously, Sony wants to show that the Vita is different; that its excellent technology sets it apart. Lastly, it's all about going hands-on-

"Finally, one thing we learnt early on is that the best way to understand PS Vita, is to get hands-on experience with it. This is why we’re investing heavily in an experiential tour."

Well, we certainly hope the Vita fares well. It definitely looks very promising; we reserve further judgment for when we've spent some serious time with it.

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13 years ago

They don't have a choice!

Sony need to do this and really use their marketing magic to quickly build momentum for the new platform. They must show off the games and the innovative hardware in the best possible way and ram it down the throats of consumers with gusto…

It is the only way the message will be heard loud and clear the world over…



13 years ago

Totally agree. And the great thing about it is that the VITA can actually back up the claims because the specs are going to be the most advanced on the market. If ever there was a time for SONY to show off it is now. As long as the don't go all abstract like they did with the PS3 launch the VITA should be fine. Alot of people were left scratching there heads at the time. I was one of them.

13 years ago

Yes, exactly FATHASUN…



13 years ago

We need to be seeing commercials in the next few days.

13 years ago

I am glad to hear that SONY are making GAMERS the priority with the VITA but also acknowledging the current technology trends. They really need to get the VITA=LIFE idea into the mindset. Life is not only about games. People want to do as much as they can with their gadgets nowadays. With the VITA they can. AND they get the most powerful handheld gaming system ever created along with those capabilities. The VITA will provide an experience that you simply cannot get ANYWHERE else.

13 years ago


Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

No he does not, my good gentlemen.

13 years ago

the time is now!!! I just saw microsofts CES press conference and all they talked about was Kinect, when they talked about Xbox of course. Kinect for PC and Kinect with sesame street on Xbox. Every where I go people are pissed off because microsoft is shoving kinect down their throat and calling it success.

Sony needs to take off the white glove and slap microsoft across the face for insulting the xbox hardcore audience. Seriously remind hardcore players why Playstation was the ultimate brand for two consecutive generations.

I been watching the republicans debates and ads lately and dont hold punches. Seriously Sony needs to get down and dirty and convince them playstation is the platform with the most games and the better games. Call out microsofts on their bullshit and tell the people how microsoft only sees them as cashcows that will pay for Xbox live forever. Sony the time is now! I summon Butler.

Butler hits microsoft for 9999 damage.

butler cast curse on xbox… 😀

13 years ago

Well said.

13 years ago

I have long hoped MS's Kinect push would blow up in their faces but somehow they have managed to walk this tight rope pretty well. If MS really talked about Kinect and sesame street they should lose the entire console war based off of that alone.

13 years ago

Might as well buy a wii then xbox kinect.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/10/2012 1:20:25 PM

13 years ago

@Marckon That's what we need. Kevin Butler as a DLC guest or main supporting character on a PS3 or even PS Vita exclusive JRPG. Or better yet Sony should do a Kingdom Hearts like game or JRPG type game with characters from all Playstation characters on said game. Hey Square did that with Disney Characters in the Kingdom Hearts games.

13 years ago

It's going to be incredibly exciting to see how the US and euro launch of Vita goes.

I wish them the best of luck.

13 years ago

I think this is definitely important for Sony on many levels. One reason I think it didn't do so well in Japan is because of the lack of good marketing (not to mention other factors that affected the economy). I'm somewhat worried about the Vita. When I went to gamestop yesterday in a college town of 30,000 people, I asked to see if there would be a midnight launch, to which the manager of the store replied "I don't think so, we only have about six pre-orders right now". Sony definitely needs to make the consumer market more aware of the Vita, because I for one would love to see it be successful here in the US and other countries as well in order to stray from a short-lived life for the Vita.

13 years ago

I'm definitely getting one. maybe not day 1 but definitely in that 1st month if not the 1st or 2nd week.

13 years ago

I am preordering mine friday i was going to get a apple ipad but after using my moms for a few hours i was bored so i've decided on a psvita 🙂
Oh butler would totally sell the crap out of this, come on kevin where are you.

13 years ago

What would really work well for the Vita would be an amazing new IP like The Last Of Us. What I see as the biggest problem is that the general population is accustomed to the guilt free .99 cent purchases in the app markets that are often very fun and addictive. There is really a need for Sony to convince us that we NEED this platform.

I'm a "hardcore gamer" myself and after the punch to the wallet that was Christmas I'm starting to rethink whether or not I need a Vita on launch day.

13 years ago

The marketing isn't going to help them any. A great product sales itself. Which the vita is. The problem is the price point and memory cards. Another thing they don't have to worry about is the video game lineup.

Anyone who is interested in the vita at this point knows all about it, but are these vast majority of people willing to pay the full retail price of this thing (not including memory cards)?

I'm guessing sales of this thing is going to be similar to the ps3. Slow start + Great finish = nothing to worry about.