It might make playing Vita games at home that much more attractive.
PlayStation TV will be available in just a few weeks in North America, and now Sony has announced there will be nearly 700 compatible games on launch day.
PS TV can play many Vita titles (either digitally via downloading or by simply inserting the actual game card), along with PS1 and PSP games. Then, through Remote Play, the fun can be streamed to the PS4, which in turn goes to a TV. It's a very versatile little unit, and it'll prove even more versatile when Sony's new streaming service, PlayStation Now, arrives on PS TV. That's when we'll be able to stream PS3 titles to the device.
PlayStation TV releases on October 14, and you can purchase the standalone unit for $99, or pick up a bundle that includes a wireless DualShock 3 controller, an 8GB memory card, and a copy of The LEGO Movie Video Game for $140. Wal-Mart will get a limited edition bundle as well, which is the same as the latter package, except the included game is Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time .
You ready to start streaming?
I'm a little confused with the bundle. Can this device also stream PS4 games via Remote Play? If so why doesn't the bundle come with a DS4 instead of a DS3?
I'm guessing they feel you would already have a DS4 if you have a PS4 system. DS3 is in case the PS TV is the only platform you have available. Still, wonder how it will handle Vita touch controls.
Well I would assume more people would own PS3s instead of PS4s that purchase this device. It just seems odd to release a new piece of technology with a dated controller.
PS Now, their is already PS+ out. What's going to be the difference? Saw the pricing on the beta, crazy if u ask me.
PS Now is for game streaming only. Just like the Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited services stream only music and only video respectively. Each have their separate subscriptions. This is another online streaming service.
PS+ is completely different.
Sony is working on a subscription for PS Now, which it desperately needs since the individual pricing there is too much for what little time you get.
Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 9/23/2014 1:11:39 PM
In that case, still seems interesting.
Hmmmmm I like, but I wonder what vita titles would work. If I wanna play PS1 games I can just play them on my PS3. Dunno if I need it yet.
i can only imagine how ugly Vita games become when stretched to the big screen. Sorry, I'd rather play Vita games on the screen it was designed for.
I'm with you on that, Temjin. If I see it first hand and it looks fine, then I'm ok with it. But until then, I'm not so sure.
EDIT: Although it may be worth it by itself just to be able to remote play my PS4 onto the TV in the bedroom. Hmmmm…
Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 9/23/2014 2:06:44 PM
I'm on the fence. On one hand it'd be nice to have the PSTV connected to my computer monitor but I just don't think I'd use it much if I had it. The streaming lag would probably bug the crap out of me, and if it's as inconsistent as remote play is I don't think I wanna risk it.
Has remote play been inconsistent for you? It has been great for me, and while I haven't really remote played outside of the house (outside of checking to see if it worked – it did!), in the house it works great with no perceivable lag. I played through a quarter of Strider and Child of Light that way.
But I stay away from FPS on remote play since FPS controls aren't comfortable translated onto the Vita.
Has your experience been very different?
It varies. If I direct connect between the PS4's wi-fi and my Vita it works fairly good. Sometimes, however, it can be really slow. This will be evident right from the get go. So usually powering off, like totally off, the Vita and then restarting it will it fix the major lag.
Games like TLoU worked quite good for me. It's usually smooth and the picture looks jag free, but occasionally it can just spaz out for a bit. I enjoy Destiny on it's patrol missions with the Vita too. I've found some pretty cool areas on the Cosmodrome that seem exclusive to the patrol level. There's some high level zones that aren't part of the storyline missions in there, and they don't even have a patrol mission attached to them from what I can tell either. I wonder if these areas will get filled in later on with missions… and hopefully not for a fee.
And I have no idea why, I've fiddled with my router plenty, but if I try a non-direct connect link between my Vita and router the performance just goes to complete crap. Complete crap. I have a Wireless N Linksys router. A fairly common one. I really shouldn't be having such issues, but I do. And it surprises me how much Sony pushes the validity of this feature but it seems so fickle to get working completely right.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/23/2014 3:58:47 PM
That's crazy. Yeah, it's frustrating when these things don't work the way they should. But I'm not sure it's all Sony's fault – there's so many variables and infrastructure that has to be there to make all that magic happen in the first place, I'm kinda amazed it works at all.
I could NEVER get a non-direct remote play link working between my PS3 and PSP back in the day. Never. In fact, I was scared to try the remote play through a non-direct link from my friend's place simply because my experience with it around the house had been very positive and I didn't want to be disappointed. I'm not sure what router my friend has, but we played Strider for a few minutes, gave each other nods of approval, and moved on to other stuff. Actually, I think he has the comcast wireless modem that seems to be their default nowadays. I'll have to ask him. We both have 50 Mbps down, 10 Mbps Up connections, if that has anything to do with it.
I need to play Destiny with it, I read Bungie mapped some of the buttons to the touch screen and it translates to the Vita pretty well.
I have an Asus AC68U router and I didn't need to do anything with the settings. Although, I read any router that supports UPnP should work fine, and most routers do.
Man, it sucks that it's been so inconsistent for you.
Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 9/23/2014 9:27:21 PM
Bungie did a very good job mapping Destiny to the Vita. I particularly like how they implemented running. It's weird at first but after a small adjustment period it feels really good.
If only Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core was a download title… Dissidia would be epic on the pic screen though 😀 Can you use multiple accounts on PS TV? I have a US & UK account with content.
Yes! I'm hoping for Dissidia 2.
No, it is single account like the ps vita. Nothing has been changed besides it not being portable anymore. Squareenix doesn't care, people have bugged them about their games. They blame sony and disney. Never themselves about why the games don't release on the psn. I know quite a lot of people that would definitely purchase them off psn. I have two vitas, one that has cfw and a regular one with normal fw. Cfw has crisis core and birth by sleep, two games that have yet to release on psn. They play really well with dual analogs :).
really neat idea this thing.
hopefully the support for legacy titles is pretty diverse the success will rely heavily on that.
really hope $ony expands the playstation live service for this too so you can play pretty much any playstation title on it.
this is the future, no more expensive, bulky, expensive to run, overheating systems.
just one small sleek box, and a ethernet port opening you up to the world.
would be cool if they made it open source too, another reason to buy a xperia phone and link the two together.
certainly seem like a plausable option for thte future some time
happy gaming
Still too bitter over the treatment of the PS Vita to even consider a PS TV!! Sony, you left me hanging with the Vita…now you want me to run and support your next new project. I don't think so…..
Last edited by cadpig on 12/16/2014 12:14:41 AM