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What’s The One Game That’d Make You Purchase A Vita?

The PlayStation Vita needs some help, but you haven't bought one yet.

Maybe the price is still too high, maybe there just aren't quite enough games that catch your eye. But regardless of the primary reason, what is the one title that, despite all other reservations you may have, would compel you to pick up a Vita?

Obviously, for me, it'd be a true Final Fantasy Tactics sequel. I'm aware there's no chance of seeing such a title on consoles, but it'd be perfect for the Vita. Other old-school-style JRPGs – some of which the 3DS already has, like Fire Emblem – would be a huge addition for me as well. If not that, I'd probably leap at the opportunity to play another Uncharted , because Golden Abyss really was fantastic. I know Monster Hunter was absolutely gigantic for the PSP but I never really got into that franchise, although I bet the Japanese would be all over it.

Of course, I already have Sony's portable, so this question isn't really for me. It's for those of you who have to buy the Vita…so, what say you?

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10 years ago

Old School Resident Evil

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Available via the PS Store, as PS1 classics.

10 years ago

Bioshock or a Bethesda product (Fallout or Elder Scrolls).

10 years ago

Final Fantasy VII remake. Or IV, V, VI.

Also, a fully fledged exclusive Fallout or ES from Bethesda.

10 years ago

A Final Fantasy of some sort. Throw in some horror games with FFT remastered and I'd buy 3 of them, to spread the joy.

10 years ago

Omega Boost HD, or, better yet, Omega Boost sequel.

10 years ago

Honestly, I just decided to say to hell with it and went and got one anyway.

Very glad I did.

Dynasty Warriors Next is amazing. Ys: Memories of Celceta is awesome. Dragon's Crown is just as fun on a handheld. And now there is Toukiden – Koei's take on Monster Hunter, which is really cool. Not to mention Persona 4 Golden, Disgaea 3, LBP, and some other great games (and the impending Borderlands 2).

The Vita just needs to be given a chance – a better chance than the PSP got (I personally love the PSP). Hell, even the camera is comparable to a majority of smart phones (and far better than the cameras on the 3DS). This powerful handheld needs some software – and Bethesda, S-E, Naughty Dog, and Bioware have the chops to deliver – if they'll just flippin' do it.

10 years ago

I would buy a vita for an Okami sequel. But what Sony really needs to sell the vita is something like Pokemon, which just screams handheld. Console style games on the go is cool, but unnecessary. Give me something that works best on a portable system.

10 years ago

Exactly why I stick with Nintendo handhelds and have never even considered a Sony one. There is a clear difference between portable games and game you make for a portable. I can't think of any games I'd want to see on a tiny screen after playing them on my big screen. If Sony gets Capcom to make a Card Fighters sequel (or does a similar title themselves) then I'd consider it but I want my home console to play epic games and my portable to give me stuff I can digest in chunks.

10 years ago

Monster Hunter. It was almost enough to get me to buy a Wii U and I already plan on getting a vita eventually, so it'd just accelerate my plans.

10 years ago

Toukiden: The Age of Demons. Samurai Warriors meets Monster Hunter.

10 years ago

Well, with that $199 Borderlands 2 bundle coming up (This spring was it?) that's certainly got me more interested in picking one up.

10 years ago

The new Mass Effect trilogy. If that was exclusive for the Vita I'd first just DIE then bite the bullet and buy one.

10 years ago

no one game is worth splashing 300+ bucks on anything!
especially when said game is what, max 20 hours long?
20 hours of enjoyment is certainly not worth 300 bucks, plus 100 bucks for the game itself, plus 80+ bucks for the memory card!
but a multitude of games, id love to see infamous, GOW, uncharted golden abyss 2, syphon filter, medievil, J&D and some unique bespoke experiences on the system.
maybe then it will be worth purchasing.

seriously though, what better platform to bring back old faithful franchises?
people have been begging for a new J&D, a new sly cooper, a new ape escape, a new medievil, ect, ect, but they have never happened because their studios are now onto bigger better things.
so why not put bespoke studios, like sanarzu did with sly 4?
2 reasons they dont exist, 1 their studios are busy, and 2 profitability.
vita solves both, 1 smaller studios, 2 vitas a heck of allot cheaper to develop on!
problems fixed!

oh and give us a god dam battery pack!
come on, phones have litterally 100s of different types available and there not even designed to play games!
so stupid how the mobile packs, hell even $onys own portable charger the 7000 mah one wont charge the vita!

Last edited by ___________ on 2/12/2014 2:48:35 AM

10 years ago

Your gross exaggerations leads one to assume you're not being serious.

I picked up my Vita in nearly mint condition from a pawn shop for $120.

Beyond your sniveling of what could be, you're ignoring what already is. For one, the J&D collection will be hitting the Vita here before long – so there is that. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD is another. Then you have the excellent LittleBigPlanet Vita plus a handful of other fun titles. Not to mention you also get to play your PSone and PSP digital titles to boot.

I will admit that the Vita certainly was not worth the launch price tag with the paltry offering it had. However, it is slowly gaining ground and is becoming worthy of investing in.

… need I also point out that your very first point was "Nothing?" If that is the case, why prattle on about stuff that, essentially, makes no difference if you're not willing to purchase it anyway?

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Nigga please – a brand new Vita here in NZ isn't even over 300 and also comes with a free game (MightyApe, $298) and it's even cheaper in AUS for $260 with Tearaway (3G/Wifi, JBHifi). Where do you shop?

Last year I got mine at EB secondhand for $260NZD.. last year.

//Note to 'mericans, EBGames = GameStop outside of states. I'm ashamed ok

10 years ago

no the question was whats the one game which will make you buy a vita, hence the nothing.
and the explanation that no game is worth the expense.
christ, are people really THAT illiterate!?
you spend TWO WHOLE sentences clarifying and explaining what you said and why, and they still misunderstand!
ive said it once, twice, a billion times and ill say it again.
the reading comprehension of you people never ceases to amaze me!

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


10 years ago

Pot… Kettle…. African…

10 years ago

Banky..i strongly suggest not using the "N" word on this site..I don't know what ethnicity you are but your comment lost all credibility with that

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Oh @slugga_status
do not worry sir my comments to ______ != serious

btw I'm full southern Thai. A lot of pacific islanders (not African Americans but who cares, we're all dark skinned) think I'm one of their own when first seeing me so I feel absoluuutely no/0/zero racial indignities when using the "nigger" and defs not nigggaaa words 😀

//lets all say it together, n…

10 years ago

No one will ever achieve equality if only certain people are allowed to use certain words.

10 years ago

A full-fledged Fallout game but do it but I might buy one to give me an opportunity to play all of those games that I've downloaded (or started to download but backed out so that it showed on my account but I didn't use up hard drive space) from Playstation Plus.

10 years ago

The thing is it has to has something that the PSP cannot offer and the PSP packs quite a punch. I have yet to see any game on the Vita which really sells it for me. I suppose if the Vita got Final Fantasy Type-0 I woould be mildly interested…. but feel cheated at the same time as it was on PSP in Japan. The Vita also has Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 which is very appealing… but I'd rather play the HD editions on my PS3. I'm still surprised Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was not a Vita game it feels like an epilogue to Peace Walker.

I genuinely don't have an answer for this… I am still very content with my PSP as a portable gaming device and feel no urge to go out and get another. I have a DS and looking at the 3DS line up, they have unique games like Bravery Default, Kingdom Hearts:3D, Pokemon X&Y (Which really did evolve the series this time around) Dragon Quest VII… There unique games I associate with the console and are quite appealing. Maybe if the Vita had more unique IP's…. but then it does have Gravity Rush & Tearaway, games i'd but if I had the console, but I feel no sudden urge to go out an buy the console… nope, you got me stumped.

10 years ago

I already own one but I know my friends would get one if Monster Hunter, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, or Battlefield was being made.

10 years ago

Monster Hunter.

This 1 title alone would sell soooo many units.

10 years ago

I might be in the minority on this site in loving this game, but MLB The Show on the Vita is AWESOME and has helped make the Vita very enjoyable for me.!!!!

10 years ago

Dark Souls, I would love to be able to hop into dark souls any time. And looking at it the game is perfect for vita, because you can easily play to the next bonfire and then put the system down

10 years ago

This ^^^

10 years ago

Nice! Best part of the Vita is its Always-On technology! You never, ever have to play to the next bonfire. Just press your PS button and the game pauses. I haven't shut my Vita off in a long time. Probably the only time I do is during updates. PS4 should be getting this tech soon as well! 🙂

10 years ago

I actually bought my vita because of Persona 4 Golden and the FFX remasters. Any remaster of the PS FFs, another Persona, a port of Xenoblade Chronicles or the Last Story would have done it too.

10 years ago

Already have one cuz my PSP died, but I woulda been more excited if there was a Fallout game on it.

10 years ago

Already have one, but if I didn't a new God of War, set in whatever the new style of the inevitable PS4 version is, would definitely push me over the edge. Like, a prequel/setup to the new storyline, gameplay, whatever else is going to be in the new PS4 versions like a year before the PS4 version is out.

Generally, I'd love to see ports/expansions/remasters of great western RPGs. I'm hopeful Borderlands 2 does well so we get more like it. The Vita lends itself very well to pecking away at games a little bit here and there, and so much the better if you can then transfer that progress to your main home console and keep playing.

10 years ago

None…vita sales suck…Everybody has a smartphone. DS has the market. Quit trying to breathe life into the damn vita…Its like the fat lazy kid that's really smart but no one wants to play with and he/she will never moves out of his parents house.(No Offense to fat or smart kids)

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Actually, full offence

10 years ago

The only good thing about vita is that its barely outselling wiiU….BARELY!

10 years ago

I feel like you are starved for attention.

10 years ago

Uncharted Golden Abyss! Oh wait, that was the game that made me buy a Vita. Also, a new God of War, Gravity Rush 2 or Demon's Souls. Borderlands 2 with cross-save is also a system seller for me. Cannot wait for BL2!

10 years ago

None..but I'm just not in to handheld gaming

10 years ago

A GTA exclusive.

10 years ago

A Final Fantasy 7 remake (exclusive to Vita)

The Last Guardian (exclusive to Vita)
or any Team Ico game for that matter.

A Castlevania sequel to Symphony of the Night in the same 2D art style. (exclusive to Vita)

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