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Retro City Rampage: Nostalgic Goodness On PS3 And Vita

Nostalgia trips are awesome.

Retro City Rampage is an old-school blast from the past that's coming to both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. To learn more about this lighthearted romp, check out the PlayStation Blog .

There will be two screen modes (standard for the Vita and a 16:9 widescreen image for the PS3) and unsurprisingly, we'll be using the Vita's touchscreen capabilities. As developer Brian Provinciano says, "RCR is a love letter to the days of the d-pad," but that doesn't mean the touchscreen has to be ignored; such technology allows the menus and minigames to be quite fluid. Of course, you can still use the buttons if you so choose.

There's also the great news that the game supports continuous play between the PS3 and Vita, which means you can continue your glorious bashing campaign if you have to leave your living room. Not only are the save files transferable, the two versions "share a single set of scoreboards." There are more than a few reasons to get involved in what is obviously a labor of love, and that goes triple if you remember the days when video games actually looked like this.

Yeah, it wasn't as long ago as you might think.

Related Game(s): Retro City Rampage

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12 years ago

An interesting looking game and I hope it does well for the guy who pretty much made it on his own, but I don't think I'll be getting it.

12 years ago

I wonder if many years from now we will see a blend of FPS, TPS, Platformer, RPG, and Sandbox in a single throwback.

Good for him and I wish him the best, but it may have actually been a better idea on phones and tablets.

12 years ago

Pretty sure it's going to be available on phones and tablets but still would much rather have it on a platform with good controls.

12 years ago

its nice to see some games finally coming in that have the cross play!
i wish $ony would make it mandatory for all the games developed for both vita and ps3.
thats one reason why M$ is kicking the sh*t out of $ony this gen!
everything they do is mandatory, they control everything.
where $onys eh do whatever you want.
if your going to leave it up to the developers than of course there not going to do it they have enough on their plate as it is!
trophies for instance, how many games supported them before $ony made them mandatory?
how many would have them today if they were never made mandatory?
i rest my case!

12 years ago

You sir are a Sony hater plain and simple.

How is Microsoft kicking the sh*t out of Sony this gen?

Wii – 95.85 million as of 31 March 2012
X360 – 65.8 million as of 12 January 2012
PS3 – 63.9 million as of 31 March 2012

I know there is a gap between the X360 and PS3 current numbers but it's only 3 months. Microsoft had a 1 year head start and they are very close in console sales. Now that Kinect and Kinect Star Wars has bombed that will hurt their sales in the future. It has been stated that month by month Sony has out performed the X360 in sales this generation. 54.2% of X360s have failed and 41.2% fail twice as of 2009. Who cares if they have improved the X360 now. That is a ridiculous number and should have been fixed in the first few months of it's release.

Microsoft charges exorbitant fees for Live. While Sony gives us a free service for MP and PSN. Sony also gives us a CHOICE with PS+ which is probably the best money I have spent on the PS3.

Why are you here? I have been coming to this site for a long time and I don't understand why you are here? Just the way you type $ony is offensive. Sony is a company trying to provide a product to make money. They are no different than McDonalds or Home Depot. They are all trying to stay out of the red.

If Sony was strict and everything had to be mandatory we wouldn't have been blessed with Portal 2's Steam client allowing PC and PS3 gamers to game together. It's this Sony mentality that will allow more and more fantastic gaming experiences to be achieved. DCOU and Dust514 are just a few more examples. Currently Valve and PayDay dev Overkill are collaborating on a new PayDay/Left4Dead project that I am praying is Left4Dead 3 for the PS3!

Here are some Xbox 360 and PC sites:

See I did the work for you. I had to because all you would have done is b*tch and moan about how you had to go to Google and search for these yourself. Go away, and I would seriously pay Ben a lot of money to have you banned from this site. There has got to be a way to reputation ban you by IP address.

This is a Sony Playstation site and 99% of all the posters love the Playstation brand. You are the 1% that constantly spouts negative boring uninteresting comments. Is Sony perfect….no, but who is! I think they are doing a fine job and can improve just like every company in existence today.

Dammit what a waste of my time!!!!

12 years ago

thanks for going totally off topic!

12 years ago

Blank sir. You went off topic way before he did!

12 years ago

I don't think going by just hardware sales is the best indicator of who kicked whom's ass this generation.

As for RCR, been looking forward to it even though I've never liked the whole top down perspective when driving.

IIRC it's going to be one of those cross play games that you actually only have to pay once for.

Last edited by PHOENIXZERO on 5/23/2012 3:09:44 PM