We can stop speculating; the official word is here.
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has made the announcement we've been waiting for at the Web 2.0 Summit 2011: the company's new portable unit, the PlayStation Vita, will arrive in the US on February 22.
As previously reported, the Wi-Fi model will hold a price tag of $249.99 and the 3G/Wi-Fi model will run you $299.99. The Wi-Fi model will also be available in Canada on the same day, and Europe will receive both models on the 22nd (249.99 Euros for the Wi-Fi; 299.99 Euros for the 3G/Wi-Fi). Said SCEA president and CEO Jack Tretton:
"PlayStation Vita will redefine traditional boundaries of gaming and blur the lines between entertainment and reality. Its launch will serve as a pivotal point in the history of portable gaming and create a new fan base of PlayStation gamers for generations to come. With its technological prowess and social connectivity, PlayStation Vita offers an experience beyond anything available on the market. Features such as the dual analog sticks, dual cameras, and front and rear touch pad are all designed to deliver the unique, powerful gameplay experiences consumers have been asking for and enable new ways for users to connect with the world around them."
Featuring an OLED front touch screen and a rear touch pad, dual analog sticks, front and back cameras, and motion sensors, this is quite the technologically advanced little gadget. The press release also tells us that over 100 games are currently in development for the Vita, and that includes Uncharted: Golden Abyss , Wipeout 2048 , Resistance: Burning Skies , Assassin's Creed , Call of Duty , and others.
Lastly, Sony's new handheld will also support Facebook, foursquare, Skype, and Twitter. Gotta be socially "connected," ya know.
i only hope for 2 things…hope resistance burning skies and uncharted golden abyss are launch titles. Also, i hop SFxTekken for vita releases same day as ps3/version
Uncharted is confirmed as a launch title, but not sure about Resistance. I want to get SF X Tekken for the Vita too. I'll have a version for that and my PS3.
sounds like im getting a birthday present
D1P for me. I guess I'll start saving now. Im actually sorta glad it wont come till next year so I can focus my attention on Skyrim and Uncharted. I'm getting the collectors edition for Skyrim which will set me back $150, so by the PS Vita not coming till February, I wont put myself in a bind financially. Plus I want to get that new PlayStation brand TV. 🙂 I likely will get the Wifi model. No need for 3g, I have a phone for that. Plus I can always tether it to my phone if I need to.
Last edited by Reccaman18 on 10/18/2011 10:49:00 PM
Good to finally have an exact date. And if I still have my current work hours by then, I'm sure to file a day's leave (Feb. 22) to grab the Vita. The best thing is that the next two days would be my rest days. Woohoo!
I wonder if it will be known as PSV?
Hmmm…..reminds me of PSV Eindhoven.
Not a d1p but after the Katamari game is released and a day comes when I got a bit too much money in my pocket I shall get it.
So, when is GTA:SA Stories announced?
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/19/2011 3:04:41 AM
Huh, Dad's birthday. Have you guys seen the Aussie price for this thing? $350 for the Wi-Fi and $450 for the 3G. It's more or less what I was expecting, but WTF?! That is simply unreal. Nevertheless, I may yet be able to get this very soon after release.
"…The Wi-Fi model will also be available in Canada on the same day,…" So we don't get the 3g model?
I can see it is a power house, but theres just nothing really so far that catches my eye which makes it a worth while purchase. My PSP can already play a majority of PS1 games… I don't need much more than that on the go, maybe im just easily pleased…
It's basically a smart phone (and a powerful one), without the phone features. If you don't like that, and the games, then I guess you can pass on it. Best thing about it is that there will be no contract to worry about. I say it's very much worth it.
Worst thing about it is that there will be no video output for it, imo. I thought it would be a good alternative than to bring my laptop around to show the internet browser on Televisions.
I think the price point pretty much confirms that phones are ridiculously over priced. It has the same or better hardware then most smart phones. Sony is probably losing a little bit of money, but not a ton. The discount that is received for signing up for a new plan brings the price down to what it should be. Apple is raping everyone with the iPhone.
Yeah, Sony is a big risk taker. As big as their business is, they're not the most profitable by a long shot. Sony projected that they'll be losing money for three years on this thing, till they can start making actual income.
I better start saving up, cause I only have about 180 dollars on my P2S account. Thank goodness I have that option, because all my money in real life will be going towards books.
I guess that gives me a couple months to recover from the holidays. Not like it matters though, I'm buying this thing one way or another.
This is great news! Although, have they revealed what media it is going to use for games? I remember an early report that said it is definitely not UMD but will be a new type of media. Have they revealed what this will be?
Edit: Never mind, answered my own question – it will use a new type of proprietary flash-based media called NVG. (Source: Wikipedia)
"Software for the PlayStation Vita will be distributed on NVG cards, a new proprietary flash card format similar to the Nintendo 3DS Game Cards, rather than on Universal Media Discs (UMDs) used by the original PlayStation Portable. NVG game cards will be available in size from 2 GB to 16 GB, with 2 GB and 4 GB versions available at launch. 5-10% of the writeable space will be reserved for save data, patches, etc. The size and form factor of the card itself is very similar to the SD Card."
Last edited by IonHawk on 10/20/2011 10:32:50 AM
Wow… well, better pay off some debt, I think. This must be mine.
HA! Three days after my birthday, that would have been an awesome birthday present xD I'm gonna get a Vita Day 1!! 😀
I doubt it. At least your not bringing up final fantasy 7 remake rumors.
I've been a PS fan since day one, but if they use AMD and ATI I refuse to buy a new playstation. Other than that I could care less if the thing plays used games or not.
The whole idea would kill rentals. Bad decision. I'd stick with my PS3.